Читать книгу Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones - Shelley Kaehr - Страница 59

Orange Ray


Color has a profound influence on people, and gems are an excellent way to work with color in your life.

Several years ago, I started experimenting with color by painting the walls in my office outrageous colors, including bright orange and taxicab yellow. After several months, I finally settled on a bright purple.

I happen to love the color purple because it resonates with the third eye and brings an ethereal feeling of relaxation to any space. The trouble with having purple walls was that I wasn’t getting any work accomplished! I was so relaxed that for a long time, I was not consciously aware of what was happening.

The first “clue” I had that something was off was when I bought myself a bag of carnelian stones. I have always loved carnelian and have used it successfully to stimulate creativity.

I put the stones in a container and placed them on my desk. I immediately noticed an increase in energy, which translated into several projects finally becoming completed.

Carnelian vibrates at the frequency of the orange ray, opening up the sacral chakra and stimulating creativity.

Creativity comes in many forms. You may not be an artist, singer, or writer, but you may have the energy for creating projects in business. You may be an inventor of some amazing new technology or an innovator whose brilliant ideas can transform an old industry into something for the twenty-first century. You may have a gift for working with people and bringing them together for a common cause. Whatever your talent and whatever makes your heart sing, carnelian will open up the necessary energetic channels, making life force available so that you will achieve completion on any project or higher calling.

Once I became fully aware of the fact that my purple walls were causing me to lollygag around, I changed the color and transformed myself back into a productive state. I owe that positive change to the marvelous carnelian stone!

Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones

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