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More on Bloodstone


Bloodstone is a term used to describe the dark green variety of chalcedony with red spots. Europeans often refer to this stone as heliotrope, meaning sun turner. The heliotrope name came from the fact that people once believed the stone could turn the rays of the sun red and if placed in water, show the sun as a blood red image.

Chlorite gives bloodstone its dark green color. Iron ore (more commonly known as hematite) causes the red specks to occur.

Although the Bible does not mention bloodstone, legend says that bloodstone was present at the crucifixion of Jesus and that Christ’s blood caused the stone’s red spots. Just as Christ made his sacrifice on the cross, bloodstone allows people to take on its physical properties to heal. When someone holds a bloodstone, the red color is absorbed into the physical body and disappears. Many believe this healing property is yet another example of how Christ allows us to use his energy to transcend.

I’ve seen this happen with my own eyes on more occasions than I can count. Both the red flecks and green chlorite disappeared from these stones after people used them for everything from cancers to blood disorders to heart problems. You name it; bloodstone can heal.

I first saw this phenomenon while working with a very ill client who came to see me for hypnosis. He had a chronic lung condition and kept the bloodstones in his pocket for less than twenty-four hours when the green and red stones faded. One of them turned clear. Later, I told people about this occurrence and heard from people from all over the United States and abroad who wrote to report the fact that their stones had turned colors or had become completely clear.

On a number of occasions I sent bloodstones to people with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or bone cancer. All of them reported some alleviation of symptoms, although as with all healing, sometimes this experience does not mean that the people survive. None of us will make it out of this life alive. We know that. In my opinion, if any vibrational remedy can alleviate pain and suffering—whether physical or emotional—then it is beneficial.

To this day, I am still not sure why bloodstones react this way or which specific ailments they have helped. Our souls are complicated. We come here to learn lessons, many of which are brought to us through illness. I believe stones can assist with the body, mind, and spirit, making it difficult to pinpoint precisely which aspect of a person has received some healing. In the case of the man with the lung condition, I saw him a year later, and he felt better than ever. Whatever healing crisis he had experienced previously had passed.

Bloodstone allows us to see these shifts physically, which contributes to the many reasons it works so well. All the minerals work to affect our energy systems, yet change is hard to believe without seeing it with our own two eyes. Trust is the foundation of faith, and we should be able to trust without requiring physical evidence. However, seeing something with your own eyes strengthens your belief, and that strength carries over into many areas of life. Once someone has that aha moment of seeing the work that bloodstones can achieve, he or she can suspend disbelief in a number of other therapies and benefit from knowing that there is great power in vibrational remedies.

There is only one other stone I’ve ever seen fade in color from use, and that is the carnelian, which we will discuss in the next section.

The idea of bloodstone’s connection to Christ originated during medieval times when people believed its special powers could stop a hemorrhage once the victim touched the stone.

Even in the Cayce readings, we find references to this concept. During one reading, the Source mentions a rosary, which for me further substantiates the connection between the spiritual Christ Consciousness and the bloodstone.

Additionally, people often used bloodstones for carving images of the crucifixion.

Ancient Greeks and Romans believed bloodstone helped strengthen athletes. In my opinion, the bloodstone is the most important of the healing stones for its ability to heal the physical body. The green color from chlorite is a powerful element for healing lungs and other respiratory conditions. Bloodstone can also assist with conditions having to do with blood such as leukemia, blood pressure, or strengthening the veins carrying blood through the body. When in doubt, if there is one stone you should have with you at all times, it is the bloodstone.

Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones

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