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Bismuth Bi Atomic Number 83
Bismuth was first described in 1450 by Basilius Valentinus, a German Monk, who called it wismut. It was constantly being confused with lead and tin but was not identified as an element until 1659 by Johann Glauber, and it was not separated from its ore until 1753 by Claud Geoffroy.
Bismuth is an ingredient in Pepto-Bismol, commonly used today to treat stomach disorders.
In the early twentieth century, infant mortality was very high due to an illness called “cholera infantum.” A doctor from New York developed a formula he called Mixture Cholera Infantum made from Bismuth, zinc, and wintergreen that drastically improved the symptoms, and infant deaths began to decline. The mixture was colored pink, and after becoming mass-produced, was renamed Pepto-Bismol in 1919.
Native bismuth crystals are rare. It can be found more often as a nugget with other minerals included in the specimen. They can occasionally be found in Germany and Bolivia. Other minerals with Bismuth in them include: Bismuthinite, Pucherite, Walpurgite, and Emplectite.
Energetically, bismuth is a grounding element that soothes the nervous system and provides both physical and psychic protection. When the mineral specimen is placed on the stomach, it can provide the same relief to the digestion as Pepto-Bismol while healing ulcers and repairing tissue damage from stomach stress at a cellular level.
One of my clients suffered from a pre-ulcer condition caused by stress. The nervousness led to an acidic buildup, and he was warned to relax or suffer the consequences. Bismuth and its related minerals are good antidotes to such conditions if they can be located. The mineral can actually mend and heal the tears and bring the body back into a state of complete perfection when combined with meditating and allowing the body to rest.
Cayce Uses
Appearing 769 times in 569 readings, Milk of Bismuth was continually recommended for any ailment of the stomach or digestive system. Cayce’s recommendations of the mixture began in 1930, only a decade after it was first made available. It was prescribed for all sorts of illness, including alkalinity, acidity, toxemia, arthritis, tumors, stomach spasms, diarrhea, constipation, epilepsy, and ulcers.
Sample Bismuth Readings 900-468
The Bismuth furnishes that as a coating for the whole intestinal system, and prevents regurgitation . . .
(Q) Should the Bismuth be combined with the Pepsin and taken?
(A) It’s prepared in that way and manner. Bismuth-Pepsin, or Pepsinized (Peptonized) Bismuth.