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Cadmium Cd Atomic Number 48
Cadmium is a rare metal that is only obtained as a byproduct of refining copper, lead, and zinc. Cadmium is used in electroplating, photography, engraving, transistors, and yellow oil-based paint. It was discovered accidentally in 1817 by chemist Friedrich Strohmeyer when he noticed a peculiar yellow coloring in some zinc ore he was analyzing; he realized it was a new element. Cadmium gets its name from the Greek word kadmeira, which is “calamine,” a name referring to a skin lotion.
Cadmium is a very scarce element that cannot be found as a mineral in nature. It is found in a mineral called Otavite (CdCO3), and Greenockite (CdS), which is the only real ore of cadmium. Cadmium usually comes from the processing of lead and zinc ore because it is found as a trace element within them.
Cayce Uses
The cadmium in the readings is an ingredient in an oil Cayce prescribed for a three-year-old girl who fell and suffered a head injury.
Sample Cadmium Readings 3375-1 Reports
[Q] What is the calamus (or cadmus, as pronounced in the reading) oil? Where may it be obtained? . . .
Is it a solution of cadmium salts?
[Note by Gladys Davis: I find this definition under the word cadmium: “calamine, a bluish white metal resembling zinc in its general properties. In its physiological action it is escharotic and astringent; internally, in large doses, it produces emesia and violent gastritis. Calmium iodide, used as an ointment, 1 to 8 of lard—calmium salicylate, white needles, soluble in water and alcohol—is said to be a more antiseptic activity than other cadmium salts—cadmium sulphate, an astringent in gonorrhea and in corneal opacities; used as a lotion in strength of H gr. or 4 to 1 ozs. of water, or as an ointment in 1:40 of fresh lard.]
[A] While the cadmium indicated would be the salts mixed with lard, we will change these; so these may be the administrations!