Читать книгу Tane - Sheonna Hill - Страница 13


Chapter 7


The next morning, after tossing and turning in bed all night thinking of his soft lips, I think of the kiss we shared ever so briefly that left me wanting more. I wish he would have stayed and really kissed me to help burn out the fire that was rushing through my blood just from that small tender kiss. After tiring myself out with thinking about it most of the night, I fell into a fretful sleep dreaming of him. He is holding me in his arms, and we are swimming around in the deep, where no one is, and his hands are traveling all over my body making my nipples harden at the feel of the calloused strength of his hands roaming my tender flesh. His lips travel down my neck, aiming for the throbbing of my breasts that are aching for his touch. He squeezes me so tight I feel caught in a net, my fin stuck, and all of a sudden a panic sets over me.

Jolting out of my sleep, I realize I am tangled in my sheets, and before I can get loose, not realizing I am on the edge of the bed, I fall to the floor with a hard thud.

Let’s just say I feel even more tired than when I finally fell asleep.

I walk into breakfast this morning wanting what mortals love so much: coffee! As gods and goddesses, we don’t need much rest, yet I feel as if I am a mortal today barely functioning. I grab a few things like fruit and bread with honey; they are set up at a buffet to eat for breakfast. I see Natal, Proteus, and Delphine already eating. I sit at the table next to Natal and conjure up a caramel macchiato that is so popular in the land of mortals. When I was there a few years ago I tried one and fell in love with them immediately. You’d think it was made for the gods.

“Are you okay? You look exhausted! Did you sleep at all? When was the last time you did sleep?” Natal asks me. The door behind me opens as I respond to her.

“I tossed and turned and couldn’t really rest. My mind was on overload last night.”

I look behind me and realize that the person coming in is Tane. I feel my cheeks getting warm and know I am blushing. As I avert my eyes and turn back around, I see a small smile touch his lips. Just great, he heard me. I am sure he didn’t have the same issues or the erotic dream.

Proteus and Delphine both say good morning to Tane. He greets them back as he is putting food on his plate. I am just looking down at mine, basically playing with my food. I drop my fork as Tane sits across from me and grab up my coffee for some extra courage, hoping it will bring me to a more alert state. I take a deep pull of it and my eyes close in bliss. I love the richness of the espresso and vanilla flavoring along with the caramel drizzle that is put on the top. The combination of the three things is better than sex, usually at least, until last night’s dream. The coffee is the perfect temperature, and if I conjure up at least one more of these, I will be ready to face the day. I feel Natal’s elbow against my rib and my eyes pop open. Since I am facing Tane, I see the look of lust and longing in those dilated eyes of his.

“You enjoying that…(sniff) coffee?” Natal asks me with a smirk.

I am confused by the smirk on her face. “Of course, why?”

“You were moaning out loud while sipping it with your eyes closed.” My mouth drops open, suddenly realizing what I had done. I look down, even more embarrassed that I hadn’t realized that I had been making noises even if the coffee is divine. My hands are still wrapped around the mug sitting on the table. I feel the touch of strong fingers on my own, and I glance up.

“If you are still tired, don’t worry about what they say. Drink and enjoy that coffee however you want,” Tane whispers to me with a small smile upon his lips.

I am thankful that he seems to understand my issue with the lack of sleep all because he invaded my dreams, and also that he is trying to help me not feel even more embarrassed by my actions. The door opens again behind me and I hear my father’s laughter, which surprises me. Tane pulls his touch away from me. I couldn’t remember the last time I heard my father laugh. I just hope Rita has learned not to screw my father over again or I will kill her.

My father enters the room holding onto Rita’s hand and pulls her straight to the food. They fill their plates as the rest of us watch them interact, and we are all completely silent as they laugh at something that only they know. They both turn around, facing us seated at the table. They both have smiles on their faces as they see us all looking at them. We all probably have our mouths gaping open. My father just says good morning to us all with that same smile on his face. I turn my head to look at Natal.

She has a smirk on her face. She looks at me and leans close. “He just got laid. Only reason to be that damn cheerful in the morning,” she tells me.

Seriously, that’s why he has been so grouchy? Stubborn ass that he has been and now he’s in a much better, even delighted, mood all because of Rita? Still weary of what Rita may do to hurt my father this time, I try to dismiss the thought and hope Rita knows she is being watched by me. I will rip every scale out of her fin if she hurts him again. Plus, I don’t even want to think of those two together. Gross. Some things a daughter refuses to think of when it comes to her father.

After breakfast is over, I have consumed two caramel macchiatos and am feeling more myself, so it is time to get busy. I know I need to get out and see more people in the realm to let them know to be on the lookout. Even if my father doesn’t want to include them in this fight, we need to be on the lookout and be vigilant at all times. Natal decides to join me today in going out and speaking with other myrs.

First is an older family in the realm. They have five children that are grown and three of them are married. We explain what is going on and that they need to be on the lookout for strangers and not to approach them, but notify a sentry or someone at the palace. They also agree to pass on the information to others. Natal always has a following of myr-men and I notice a few swimming behind us at a distance. I look to her. Why don’t we use your faithful followers to help spread the word? She smiles at me and winks. We stop and turn. The four men I saw trailing us stop and the looks of surprise on their faces that we saw them is priceless. Natal waves them to come closer. They all swim as fast as their fins can move them. Gods know she would never go to them. They would always have to come to her.

I could hear Natal speak to all of them at once. Gentlemen, I thank you all for looking out for me and Leia and being our protectors as we are visiting families. I need a favor though.

Of course, all of them spoke up at once, Of course!

Anything for you!

You only need to ask!

I am at your service, Beauty!

I roll my eyes at their eagerness. However, Natal goes on as if there is nothing different about the eager-to-please looks they are giving her. I am sure she is used to being helped in every way. I think I would find it annoying if I had that attention all the time.

I am sure you have all heard about the upcoming threat of war to Poseidon and this realm. There are so many myr-families here and we need to get the word out that if they see anyone out of place or skulking around to help by notifying one of the sentries, and not take it upon themselves to directly confront them, but to let others know so Poseidon or the sentry can deal with them. Can you help me reach out and speak to the other myr-families? Let them know to be careful and on the lookout for those lurking around?

She was so sincere that I believed her. Of course, the dedicated followers of hers are just as helpful as I knew they could be. They all look so exuberant to help in anyway Natal needs. All I can hear is confirmations from them that they will do whatever she bids. I would be happy to help you.

Anything for you, my beauty, I would go to the ends of the world for you.

I would do anything you ask.

She smiles her hundred-watt smile at them and plays her part well. She raises her hands to stop their continuous praise to her. Oh, I knew I could count on you all to help with this. Please go out and let everyone know. I am truly grateful for the strong and loyal myr-men you are, and I will never forget your help in keeping my home safe.

You can see the men’s chests puff up as she goes on. Go now, my loves, and spread the word, she basically commands them in a sweet way they never saw coming. They bow to her, a couple of them grabbing each of her hands and laying a kiss on the back of it. They then turn away quickly and are off to do Natal’s bidding.

I swear you could find your own followers and run your own army the way they want to do your bidding so easily.

Natal laughs at my comment, Hmm, that is an idea for the future; my own personal army of myr-men. I just shake my head at her. We both know she is more than capable of doing that.

We take off to the next myr-family. It is another older family in the kingdom that has been here for generations and has a lot of family members. We tell them the same as we had the others: not to confront anyone that looks out of place or that they’ve never seen before, just to notify the sentry guard or one of the people helping my father.

Throughout the day we go from one family to the next until we are exhausted, plied with food, smiles, and all of the families that will look out for each other and warn all if anyone looks out of place. I turn to Natal and tell her we need to return home before we are late for dinner and father hears about what we are doing. He would not approve of us getting involved, yet it is only right that people here know what to look for and always stay cautious. The more information that is out there, the better others can protect themselves and those around them.

This evening we are once again sitting and eating dinner, and I am glancing under my lashes at Tane sitting across from me. It is hard to keep focus on different conversations when my mind keeps going back to him and the night we spent swimming together. Every so often I see him glance at me.

I hope he is thinking of last night as I am. Plus that damn erotic dream keeps popping into my head. Before I realize it, everyone is done eating and some leave to rest for the evening. Father is enamored with Rita and constantly stroking her arm, smiling like a myr-boy. It is nauseating. I look up and Natal is wishing everyone a good evening. Who knows if she is really going to bed or if she has a myr-man in mind to torment? Plus, I think she is hoping to help me spend a little more time with Tane.

“Have a good evening, Father,” I tell him as I stand. Tane looks at me, waiting for me to give him a cue from the expression on his face. Father finally looks up and realizes almost everyone has left and he didn’t notice with his concentration on one particular person only.

“Good night, sweetling. I will see you tomorrow. Rest well,” he responds to me finally. He then turns his attention right back to Rita, whispering into her ear.

I look at Tane and see that he is standing in respect to my departure. I mouth to him (swim?) as I make my way out of the dining room. He gives me a quick nod.

As I am slowly walking back to my chambers, I overhear him give my father “Good evening.” I hear his footsteps not far behind me.

As I am opening the door to my chambers, I hear Tane behind me ask, “Are you sure you are up to this swim?”

“Yes, why would I not be?”

“I heard you were very busy today from some of the men speaking to each other of your warnings,” he smiles at me.

“Yes, I was busy, and as I have said before, it is only right to let those who live here know what we are up against and what to look out for. More eyes out there for strangers or any enemy is always better than a few.”

“I agree, just want to make sure you haven’t overspent your energy already.”

I smile, “I have enough left to swim with you, if you still want to?”

“I will always find the energy to spend this time with you.” His words make me melt. No man has ever shown me consideration or wanted to spend time with me like this.

We walk through my rooms to my water chamber. I walk down the steps and conjure up a blue swim top, making my dress disappear as my legs turn to a fin. Sitting on the edge of the large rock at the base of the pool, I look over to Tane. He starts to walk into the water. Standing on the first step, he pulls his loose pants up showing off his hard, muscular calves again. As he sits down, his tunic, shirt, and pants disappear and his beautiful dark fin with gold, blue, black, and red highlights shows in the water. He smiles at me and dives into the depth that opens out to the ocean at the bottom. I follow him.

We swim next to each other as we go around the kingdom, not saying a word, just happy to be in each other’s company. When we get close to an old stone setting that has been there for centuries, he swims closer, looking at the work and the beauty that humans had created in worship of us. I am leaning against one of the beautiful pillars that have engravings to different gods when I feel Tane grab me around my waist and pull me away quickly. I am startled and look up at him to see what he was thinking. Maybe he was just impatient for the next kiss we could share. Instead of seeing the passion and want in his eyes that I was desperately hoping for, he is looking behind me to where I was just leaning against the pillar. I look back and there is a netting trap that has closed around the spot I was just at. There is a rope pulling behind it and I see different sea creatures swimming away quickly.

Are you all right? Tane asks.

Yes, you startled me when you grabbed me, though I didn’t see anything.

He points to the net. We come closer to see what type of netting it is, how it got there, and if it was an accident or a trap. The net has little spikes facing where it would close in on someone, and the spikes have a film on them. Tane looks around, finds a sea branch, and uses it to swipe some of the film from the spikes. He brings it to his nose and smells it. His face grows hard and then he puts it to my nose so I can smell. I breathe in through my fin nose; it is an odd smell. I’ve never smelled anything like that before. What is it? I ask.

Tane looks around, making sure we are not being watched. It is a god poison. It will make you sleepy and keep you from using your powers. On demigods that are not as powerful, it will make you as helpless as a mortal. You would have to be a strong god to be able to fight off the effects, he explained.

This was set to take someone from here for our enemies, I voiced aloud.

Yes, but not just someone. I think it was for you or one of Poseidon’s closest allies, he tells me.

Why would you assume it was for me or an ally?

I think our enemies have been watching already and are looking to take one of the people that mean the most to Poseidon. Being his only child, you are the most at risk.

By Aries’s balls, they have been watching us the whole time. I will be under lock and key now once my father hears of this, I grumble.

I know this won’t be ideal for you, but I’d rather you be protected when out swimming than left to deal with these enemies on your own. I would happily go with you whenever you need to make your rounds.

The thought of Tane always with me had a lot of appeal that I was going to take advantage of as much as possible.

I understand, so when I need to meet with the myr-families in the realm, or just want to swim, I will call on you first.

I could see his stance relax at what I said. Apparently he was worried I would fight him on this. Little did he know I wanted to be around him. He is the first guy, demigod, or man who noticed me over Natal. He looks at me with lust and want in his eyes, and the softness of his kisses makes my body demand more of them. Why would I not do whatever I can to be around him? And this is the perfect excuse.

We must get back. I need to report this and let Poseidon know our enemies are already here and we need to be on alert. We also need to come up with a new plan to deal with the breach of them coming into the realm.

We swim back to my water chamber. As we both break the water’s surface and are holding onto the first step, before I can pull myself out of the water, Tane wraps his arms around me, pulling me to his chest, and kisses me. It wasn’t a soft, quick peck like last time. This one was firm and demanding, with the perfect amount of pressure. Feeling the hot blaze of lust rushing through my body, I wrap my arms around his neck and my fingers entwine into the soft wet strands of his hair. I open my mouth to give him the access I was hoping he would take, and we wrap our tongues around each other. I pour all my passion and want for him into this kiss, so he knows without a doubt how much I like him. The feel of his strong chest pressed against me is intoxicating. I can feel my nipples hardening and swelling, and I want to feel his hands on them. Yet, he keeps a firm grip on my waist. I feel him pull away from the kiss, and my eyes are half shuttered with lust. I look into his and see the same lust pouring through his eyes also.

“I wish I could stay and see where this might go, but I must leave and let your father know what is happening.”

I blow out a breath, knowing he is right even though I have yet to take my fingers out of the silky strands they have a grip on.

“I will go to the main entrance water chamber and notify your father.”

I nod, still unable to speak since he kissed me speechless.

“Remember, do not go out without me. I want you protected, and I would feel safer if it was me there with you.”

I nod again in agreement.

“I will come tomorrow evening and we can swim again. Hopefully we can spend some time together tomorrow, depending on what happens after I give this news to your father.”

I am still staring up at his beautiful eyes. He smiles at me and gives me a quick kiss on my lips. “Good night, goddess, I will see you tomorrow.”

As he lets go and dives into the depths, I feel the longing to finish what we started, but I know he is correct. We will have time to see what this is between us later. I pull myself out of the pool and switch into my emerald green silk nightgown within a single thought. I walk back to my chambers and straight to bed. Tonight should be interesting if I am able to sleep. Since my body is still humming in want and desperate need for release, it should be another sleepless night.


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