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Chapter 2

The parking lot of Darlington Wedding Gowns and Tuxedos was packed when Diana pulled into the only available space. And that was as far from the door as she could get. Darlington had been several steps away from her offices, but with Scott’s new use for the property practically everyone had relocated. The store was now housed in a huge strip mall several miles from her.

Final fittings for the Embry-Quincy wedding party was scheduled for today. Diana wouldn’t let anything having to do with Scott deter her. She stepped into the June heat and felt her clothes and body deflate. It shouldn’t be in the nineties this early in the season. And she shouldn’t be here. First she was the owner. She worked with the managers of new locations and Teddy ran the consultant staff. But Jennifer Embry came from old money, and she insisted Diana consult her wedding. As such she was the wedding planner, not the dress approver. However, she’d learned early in this business that a wedding planner’s duties were fluid. Some brides were demanding. Others only wanted her to take care of the ceremony and the reception. But she and Teddy ran a soup-to-nuts organization.

Pulling open the door of Darlington’s, she silently thanked the air-conditioning gods for their invention of such a useful mechanism.

“Diana,” Jennifer greeted her with a relieved smile. “I’m glad to see you.”

Jennifer stood in front of a triple wall of mirrors, her white gown billowing around her.

“You look beautiful,” she told her client.

“The hem is too long. The gloves aren’t the same color as the gown. I can’t see through the veil.”

Susan Dollard, the store owner, frowned. Diana smiled back at her.

“Jennifer, remember we know that items of different materials will not be exactly the same color due to shine, weaving methods, difference in lots, and a hundred other reasons. Just focus on the day. It’s going to be beautiful. I know the alterations will be completed while we wait.”

The seamstress was on the floor with her needle and thread, quickly adjusting the length. Diana stepped back to get a good look at the bride. “You look gorgeous. Just wait until Bill sees you in this gown.”

The praise wasn’t false. Jennifer glowed in her gown. It was a perfect fit and style for the tall, majestic-looking blonde.

“The veil, Ms. Embry.” Susan came forward with the altered crown.

“Let me,” Diana said, reaching for the soft concoction of netting. Stepping up on the platform with Jennifer, she placed it on her head and spread out the folds of fabric. “Is it better?” she asked.

Jennifer turned back to the wall of mirrors. Tears were in her voice when she answered.

“Great,” Diana said, glad to have appeased another bride. She stepped off the platform and onto the floor. “How’s everything else?”

“Fine,” Jennifer said. Then she turned to Susan and the seamstress and apologized. Both women smiled. They’d been through this scene a hundred or more times. “Oh, by the way,” Jennifer said. “There’s been a replacement for one of the groomsmen.”

“I got your message.” She should have said messages. Diana wondered if three was a significant number for Jennifer. She’d told her three times about Oscar’s replacement, yet she never mentioned who the replacement was. Brides, even those as organized as Jennifer, had lapses of memory.

“He’s next door getting fitted for his tux.”

“Let me go introduce myself.” Diana liked knowing the members of the wedding party. In case of an emergency, she knew who she was looking for. She took the digital camera she always carried from her purse. She’d take a photo and label it to be sure. Jennifer Embry had twelve bridesmaids and an equal number of groomsmen. It was impossible to keep all the names straight, even though Diana was good with names and faces. Still, she relied on file photos to help her or one of her assistants in case she had to delegate duties.

The gown and tuxedo shops were connected by a short passageway. It was designed both to keep the noise down and to provide privacy. Diana didn’t use it. She preferred to enter from the outside.

The bells chimed when she entered the shop. Several people browsed the various colors and styles of men’s clothing. All of the dressing room doors were closed. Judging by the parking lot, the place was full.

“Jeremy,” she called.

The clerk came from the last dressing room. “Ms. Greer, how are you?” When they were alone Jeremy was very informal and called her Diana; occasionally and with several drinks under his belt, she was Di. When she came in the shop, she was Ms. Greer. To her he was always Jeremy. He and Susan were man and wife, but they kept to their separate areas unless need forced one to the other side of the causeway.

“I’m looking for the new member of the Embry-Quincy wedding. The bride told me he was here and I wanted to introduce myself.”

Someone said something from behind them and one of the other clerks went to aid the customer.

“He’s waiting for his fitting.” Jeremy indicated one of the dressing room doors.

“I can wait a few minutes.”

“It might be longer than that. I’m short-handed and swamped. Three parties are due in any moment now and I have all the dressing rooms filled.” Suddenly, he put a hand to his chin. Then he looked at Diana with a strange expression. “I wouldn’t like to impose, but you do know the ropes? Do you have a moment to help out?”

Diana never refused Jeremy anything. He’d helped her get started by giving her mountains of advice that saved her from some major pitfalls. Before his move to this location she had worked in his store for over a year and had learned how to take measurements.

“The Embry-Quincy wedding is in the Red Room.” He smiled and offered her the tape measure hanging around his neck. “I believe the new member may need his nerves soothed.”

Diana smiled. She’d often been called upon to settle a guy whose mind was on other tasks. She glanced at the dressing rooms. Jeremy named his rooms after those in the White House. It gave the place a little elegance, he said, and who wants to dress in Room 3 when they could have the Red Room? Diana still remembered the expression on his face when he gave more credence to a false name than to a nondescript number.

Taking the tape measure, she dropped her purse in his office and knocked lightly on the door of the dressing room. “I’m here to take your measurements,” she said before going in. She wanted the man to know she was female in case Jeremy had told him to remove his pants. Or if he was shy.

“Come in.”

Diana stepped through the door and quickly closed it. Although Jeremy’s dressing rooms were huge and set up like the entrance to a home, with a foyer section and a comfortable living room, sporting a large mirror that covered one wall, Diana couldn’t be sure the client wasn’t standing near the door in full view of whomever was outside. When she turned back she saw only her reflection across the spacious gray-colored carpeting. The subdued floor contrasted with the bright furnishings. Walking several steps past a wall that set off the foyer area, she came face-to-face with the last person on the planet she expected to see.

Diana didn’t know which one of them was more surprised.

“What are you doing here?” they asked at the same time.

Diana recovered first. “I’m here to take your measurements if you are the replacement in the Embry-Quincy wedding.”

“Scott Thomas, nice to meet you.” He extended a hand as if they’d never met. Diana ignored it and he folded both arms across his chest. The action brought his white shirt up a little higher over legs that were long, strong and naked. She wished her heart didn’t step up its beat, but she couldn’t deny it. Teddy had put the thought in her head that he was handsome. That was an understatement. He was a crowd standout. And with him half dressed, Diana wondered what he’d look like totally naked.

Clearing her throat and mentally shaking those thoughts from her mind, she asked, “Shall we get started?”

“I didn’t know you worked here.”

“I agreed to help Jeremy out because he has a lot going on in the shop. And I expect you have other places to be.”

“As a matter of fact, I do.”

“Then...” She pulled the measuring tape from her neck and took a step forward. “That is, unless you’d like a male to take your measurements. They’re all busy right now, so your wait will be a little longer.”

“I’ve waited long enough,” he said. “Let’s get it over with.”

Diana took a deep breath and approached him. “Turn around.”

He presented his back to her, and she reached up to measure its width. Then the length of his arms. She tried doing his waist from behind, but he turned in her arms. Diana caught her breath. For a moment she didn’t think she’d be able to keep her feet on the floor. Gripping the tape measure, she fought to keep control of her shaking hands. Finally, she dropped to the floor to measure his inseam.

“Spread your legs, please,” she said. Blood hammered in her head. She could feel the heat of his nearness. Her face flamed as blood rushed up her features, burning her ears.

“Why don’t I just tell you my size?” Scott asked.

For a short moment Diana was unsure what he meant. Then sanity returned, and she realized he meant his suit size. She could feel more heat pump into her face and ears, and she wondered why they didn’t melt and slide off. She dared not look up at him.

“Your suit size is not always the same. And you want to look your best at the wedding.” Diana couldn’t imagine him looking any other way.

“Of course. Anything less and Jennifer will have my head.”

Diana raised herself up on her knees and prepared for the final measurement. She willed her hands to remain steady. Swallowing and ignoring the roar of blood and unwanted memories inside her head she touched his leg just above the knee. It was a test of her own ability to continue this procedure. She’d done this hundreds of times. She’d measured guys who were model perfect, silver-screen-idol caliber, and never had to keep her emotions in check. But Scott Thomas was throwing her usual calm into aggregated chaos.

His leg was warm, as strong and solid as a tennis player’s. She moved the tape measure higher. Time seemed to slow down, and her hand moved with the slowness of passing years on its way to the juncture between his legs. The catch in his throat and the heat of his body found a place in her brain that told her to get the measurements done as quickly as possible. But that instruction didn’t reach her hands. She pulled the tape measure down and extended it to his ankle, then to his sock-clad feet. Unconsciously, she brushed against him. His arousal was hard and he jerked away from her touch.

Diana’s head snapped up and she met his eyes. They were dark, almost liquid. She’d seen that look directed at her only one other time. And from the same face that now stared into hers with a longing so deep it wrenched her heart.

Scott reached down and pulled her up to him. She stood as if reaching for the sky. Scott’s body was long. Diana climbed the mountain of him until she was on her feet. She could feel the full length of him. For a moment she luxuriated in the warmth that covered them like a shared aura. They faced each other, their mouths only a kiss away. Kiss. The word registered in her brain. Lightning speed brought her up short. She pulled free of Scott’s arms and hurried to the door. With her hand on the knob, she turned back.

“I apologize,” she said. “I’m finished with you. You can dress and leave.”

Outside, Diana stood breathing hard, clutching the tape measure as if it was an anchor keeping her pinned to the ground. She took several breaths. What had happened to her? What was she doing? She’d never done anything like that before, but this time she found it hard to control herself. She wanted to touch him, wanted to keep running her hands over his hair-roughened skin. She wanted to feel his arousal, allowing him to lengthen and grow in her palm.

Stop! she screamed at herself. She had to calm her thoughts before Jeremy emerged from one of the dressing rooms. He knew her well enough to tell if something was happening to her, and there was no doubt in her mind that something had happened. And more would have happened if she’d let it go on any longer. How could she feel this way? She hated Scott Thomas. She’d always hated him. How could she want to kiss her? Oh, God, how could she want to have sex with him?

She gasped at the thought. Was that what that was? Had it been so long since she had sex that she wanted to have it with a man she didn’t even like? Diana stopped all thoughts of Scott. He was probably dressed by now and would open the door behind her at any moment. She didn’t want to be standing there when that happened.

Rallying her thoughts, she took the card with Scott’s information to Jeremy’s desk and gave it to him.

“Thanks for the help,” Jeremy said. “I think everything is in control now.” He surveyed the shop.

Diana smiled quickly, wanting to get out of the shop before Jeremy saw how close to falling apart she was. And worse, having to face Scott so soon after she’d had her hands on him and her body melded to his. Gathering her purse, she air-kissed Jeremy and left by the connecting door, escaping into the bridal shop and out of Scott’s sight. Diana didn’t think she exhaled until she had finished with Jennifer’s needs and returned to her car, all without seeing Scott a second time.

But there would be other times. Now that she knew he was the replacement groomsman, the two would meet at the rehearsal and the wedding. Thankfully, she did not have to attend any wedding activities with him. When the rehearsal and wedding ceremony were done, so would she be. Then she could return to her normal life. Whatever normal was. Or had been. Would it be the same ever again? Diana didn’t really think so. She and Scott both lived in Princeton. The township was small even though the borough covered a larger space. They both lived in the township, and according to the card she’d recorded his information on, he lived within a good walk of her residence. Diana’s business was there. She’d called it home for years not realizing she could run into Scott at any point in the day.

And for the next few days, it was inevitable.

* * *

The National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., might be larger than this one, Scott thought, but only by an inch or two. Scott should have known Jennifer would plan something this elaborate. Bill was a lot more laid-back. Or was it Diana, the wedding planner, who’d suggested this mammoth structure? Scott scanned the height of the ceiling, then brought his gaze back to the door. Where was Diana? Most of the wedding party had arrived, but Diana had yet to appear. She’d been on his mind for the last three days. Since the incident in the dressing room she’d plagued him day and night. He’d thought of her all the time. Questions arose for which he had no answers, and every question led to another. He wanted to know where it would lead, if it would lead anywhere. He wasn’t even sure he wanted it to lead somewhere.

A few days ago he’d been a relatively happy man. Now a woman was driving him crazy. He wasn’t even sure she knew it.

And there she was.

Diana opened the cathedral door and slipped inside. She walked fast down the aisle, and she looked as if she’d been running. She wore jeans and a bright pink short-sleeved sweater that accentuated her breasts. Scott remembered her pressed against him. Immediately his body began to harden. He stepped aside, forcing himself to relax.

“Sorry,” she said to Jennifer when she reached her. “The flight was late and traffic delayed me.”

“We’re still on schedule,” Jennifer said, taking a look at her watch.

“Well, let’s get started.” Diana put her jacket and purse on one of the pews along with a large bouquet of flowers. When she turned around, her eyes met his. Quickly she looked away, giving her attention to the rest of the party.

“Father Ryan is here,” Jennifer stated. The priest came through the back of the church. He wasn’t dressed in robes but wore all black, pants and shirt, no collar.

“Ladies, gentlemen, could we line up in the back of the church.”

“Where’s Bill?” Scott asked. “Shouldn’t the groom be here?”

“He won’t make the rehearsal,” Jennifer explained. “His trial went to the jury yesterday. They’re waiting for the verdict.”

Scott thought she should be prepared for these events to interrupt other occasions in their future, but he kept his words silent.

“He’ll meet us later at dinner.”

Diana took over then, putting people in order by height. She explained what the church would look like in the morning after the flowers and candles were delivered and lit. She cautioned the party to be careful with the candles with their headpieces, since the netting burned easily. Couples were paired together. As the music played, they practiced their walks down the aisle.

“It’s time for the bride and groom,” Father Ryan said.

“The groom isn’t here,” Jennifer told him. “He won’t make the rehearsal.”

“We’ll need one of the groomsmen to stand in for him.” Father Ryan looked over the small assembly.

The guys looked from one to the other. “Several of us are already married,” one of them said. “We’ve done this before. Scott, you need the practice. Why don’t you stand in for Bill?”

“I’ll do it,” Scott agreed. He knew if he didn’t it would start a back and forth banter about the state of his bachelorhood. He’s been on the end of that conversation more than once and had no intention of allowing it to happen in front of a dozen women, most of whom did not know the circumstances that had led to the needling.

Scott remembered a time when they were all single and had no intention of marrying. Then one by one, they fell off the wagon. He was the last unmarried soul on that wagon, and while the guys often complained about their wives, they loved them and wouldn’t trade their new lives to return to the old ones. Of course, now that they were in their thirties, their days of drinking and bar hopping all night had morphed into attending nursery school plays and walks in the playground. Occasionally they’d get together for the male bonding ritual in front of a big-screen television as their favorite teams vied for dominance on a Sunday afternoon, but at night they returned to the woman they loved.

Scott’s transformation had been to the sky. Although he’d learn to fly as a child, accompanying his father on trips, Scott had made a career of flying. While piloting wasn’t a sport, pilots were like athletes. They aged out early and needed a second career. He’d decided on his, but one woman stood in his way. And that woman stood at the back of the cathedral.

“Stand over here,” Father Ryan said, indicating a space inside the gated nave. “The best man should stand next to you.”

One of the groomsmen separated himself and followed Scott.

“Clark?” Diana called. “Remember to let Bill know the two of you will enter from that door in the back. She pointed to the door on the right side of the nave. “Father Ryan will lead you out.”

Clark nodded and the two men assumed their positions.

“Now, the bride.” Diana turned to the bridesmaids, who were fanned out in front of the bar separating the nave and sanctuary. “Who’ll stand in for the bride? She can’t do it. Bad luck, so the story goes.”

As the woman looked from one to the other, they each refused to step forward.

“Ladies, there is no legend related to standing in for the bride.”

“Diana, you can do it?” Jennifer said. She checked the time, and Scott understood she was keeping everyone on schedule. Not only was Jennifer a numbers fanatic, but watches could be set by her plans.

“I can’t,” Diana protested.

Scott stared directly at her. She wasn’t looking at him, but he wondered if his agreement to stand in for Bill had anything to do with her not wanting to be Jennifer’s surrogate.

“Someone do it,” Jennifer ordered. “We don’t want an overcooked dinner.” Jennifer lifted the bouquet of flowers Diana came in with and stared at the group. Slowly they each shook their head. Eventually, she came to Diana.

“All right,” she said, taking the flowers and her place at the end of the aisle.

As Diana headed down, Father Ryan gestured for the two men to come forward and take their places. Scott had a clear view of Diana as she started down the aisle. She came toward him. She was beautiful. Gone were the baggy jeans and unkempt hair that, aided by a book, hiding her face from view during their college days. She wore designer clothes, trendy shoes. If Scott hadn’t seen her a few months ago when he’d come to negotiate her office lease, he’d have sworn the two women weren’t one and the same.

She floated down the aisle. Scott’s eyes saw the church as it would be, bathed under the yellow glow of candlelight, a white lace gown and Diana as the bride coming toward him.

Him! he shook himself. He wasn’t marrying Diana and she wasn’t the bride. This was make-believe, and his imagination was working on Stress Level One if his thoughts continued along their present course. He looked at her again, checking to see if her eyes were on him and if by some telepathic relay she’d heard his thoughts.

She wasn’t looking at him, but she was smiling. Her staccato steps keeping time to the rhythm of the “Wedding March.” Jennifer smiled at her from the front pew. The groomsmen looked at her with appraisal in their eyes. Scott stepped forward as she came to the bar. He wanted to take her arm and pull her close to his side. The groom wouldn’t do that tomorrow. He stood close to her, blocking any view the other groomsmen might have.

“I won’t go through the vows,” Father Ryan said. “At this point tomorrow, I’ll be the first to congratulate the bride and groom.” He glanced at Jennifer. “Then you will kiss and turn to go up the aisle.” He paused a moment, confirming the procedure with Scott before remembering to look at Jennifer. “Okay?”

Jennifer nodded.

“Not quite,” Scott replied. All eyes focused on him. He took the flowers from Diana and handed them to Jennifer. Then facing Diana he put his hands on her waist and pulled her toward him. She didn’t know what he planned to do until his mouth was on hers. She went rigid for a moment then she relaxed. Her mouth tasted good, chasing away his logical thought processes. She opened her mouth and his tongue swept forward. He felt her hands take his elbows. The fabric of her sweater brushed against his fingertips, a movement as erogenous as his wet mouth sweeping over hers. Her hands began a slow climb, but stopped when someone behind them cleared her throat. It was like a spark to his brain. Logic returned and Scott pushed at her arms. Quickly he ended contact. “Now, we turn and walk up the aisle.” He didn’t recognize his voice. Then taking her hand, he started toward the rear of the church.

Diana dropped his hand when they were out of earshot of anyone else. “Don’t you ever do that again,” she hissed.

Like a quick-change artist, she walked back to the congregation. All heads and all eyes were on her, but the silence in the cavernous cathedral was like a tomb.

“Father Ryan, is there any other instruction?” Diana asked, her voice strained. It gave Scott a joyous feeling to know that she had been affected by what had happened between them. His action wasn’t impulsive and he enjoyed having Diana in his arms, but to provide such a public display was not his style.

“Only, good luck tomorrow,” Father Ryan said.

Everyone smiled and seemed to relax. Diana could hear their sighs.

“Then I’ll say good-night.” Diana turned to Jennifer and gave her a wide smile. She didn’t know if Jennifer was trying to put her at ease after Scott’s kiss, but she was grateful for the apparent relaxation in the atmosphere. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

Jennifer smiled and Diana moved up the aisle.

“Jennifer, Diana has to go to dinner with us,” Scott said. “It’ll throw the numbers off if she doesn’t go.”

“Oh no,” Diana protested. “I’ve just returned from Montana. I’m tired and I need to get some rest. Tomorrow is an important day. And Bill will be at the restaurant. The numbers will work.”

“Not a problem,” Jennifer agreed. “See you in the morning.”

Diana moved to leave. Scott stood in the middle of the aisle. “If you’ve just returned from a plane ride, you must be hungry. Surely you can eat before you leave.”

It was no secret to anyone in the church that Scott wanted her to go with him. He didn’t care what they thought. The groomsmen smiled and gave him their silent approval. The bridesmaids only looked stunned.

“I’ll get something at home,” Diana told them. Her voice hadn’t returned to its normal level yet.

She pushed past him and continued up the long aisle. Scott watched her go. But he wasn’t finished with her. He’d wondered about her for two days. Why would the computer choose her for him?

He needed to find out. He was going to find out.

His Love Match

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