Читать книгу His Love Match - Shirley Hailstock - Страница 3


Diana didn’t wait for an answer. She turned on her heel and marched up the sanctuary aisle.

Scott caught her at the door and turned her to face him. “There is only one lie in my profile,” he said.

“Which one?” she asked.

“This one.” He pulled her into his arms and delivered a kiss that curled her toes. Diana thought that phrase was the stuff of books or movies. It wasn’t a real condition. People’s toes didn’t curl. But hers did. Her arms went around him. This wasn’t like the kiss at the wedding rehearsal. There they’d had an audience, and even though she hadn’t remembered they were present, Scott had. Here there was no one. They were together and alone. His mouth took hers in the sight of stained glass windows, vaulted ceilings and the polished wood of the entry hall. Diana didn’t think of where they were. She didn’t think at all. She felt. She let his mouth tease hers and sweep deeply into a recess of pleasure that had her groaning with delight.

His Love Match

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