Читать книгу The One She Was Warned About - Shoma Narayanan - Страница 2

The kiss came as such a shock that Shweta stood absolutely still for a few seconds.


The sensation was indescribable. She’d been kissed before, but the feel of Nikhil’s warm, demanding lips on hers was something else altogether—involuntarily, she clutched at his arms, trying to pull him closer.

His hands were cupping her face now and with a little inarticulate cry, Shweta arched her body to lean in closer to the kiss. She was conscious of nothing other than the feel of Nikhil’s lips on her mouth and throat.

A lot of time seemed to have gone by when Nikhil let her go finally, and she stared at him, her eyes still a little hazy from the effect of his kisses. One of his hands came to rest lightly on her shoulder, and the other caressed her cheek, as he ran a thumb gently over her lower lip.

“I should apologise,” he said softly, and his voice was not quite steady. “I shouldn’t have done that. But I’m not sorry I did.”

The One She Was Warned About

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