Читать книгу The One She Was Warned About - Shoma Narayanan - Страница 3


Dear Reader,

This is my fourth book, and I started writing it almost immediately after I completed the third. I had the characters and plot ideas all mapped out in my head and for the first time in my short writing career I felt I’d got the ‘hang’ of writing—this book would be an absolute breeze. Of course when I started writing about Nikhil and Shweta, they took on a life of their own, deviating from my carefully planned plot at every possible opportunity (I hated it—I’m a control freak who only likes people who do as they’re told!).

Shweta is attractive and outgoing, but she’s been ruled by convention for most of her life, and is terribly risk averse. Nikhil on the other hand is the quintessential bad boy. He’s strikingly good-looking, and while he’s out of the rock bands and fast motorbikes phase, he’s still a far cry from the nice, safely eligible kind of man Shweta is looking for.

Nikhil and Shweta were classmates from the ages of four to fourteen—they fought almost constantly, and if someone had told Shweta that she’d end up falling for Nikhil many years later, she’d have been horrified. Nikhil on the other hand always had a soft corner for her, and he finds the new, grown-up Shweta infinitely alluring. And in spite of my control freakiness, I found myself liking both of them more and more as they muddled their way towards admitting that they are crazily in love with each other.

Happy reading!


The One She Was Warned About

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