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S héri – Just the way I am is the remarkable story of an exceptional young woman from Bloemfontein. But it is also the story of a formidable team: Shéri Brynard and her mother, Susette.

Shéri has Trisomy 21 Down Syndrome, which means that every cell in her body has one extra chromosome: 47 instead of 46. Blood tests done shortly after she was born shattered any spark of hope that it might just be Mosaic Down Syndrome, the type where only some cells are affected. However, Shéri’s parents refused to allow Down Syndrome to rob her of a meaningful life. And she made the most of every opportunity afforded her.

Shéri has reached greater heights than anyone else with Down Syndrome in South Africa. Every milestone on her journey of 35 years has been the result of extremely hard work, a strong will, perseverance and a deep dependence on, as well as trust and belief in God, sometimes in very difficult and sad circumstances. It is also the result of her parents’ determination to raise Shéri in a way that would enable her to take her place in society and achieve her full potential.

And now she has written her life story, supplemented by my interviews with her. In spite of Shéri’s achievements, some people with preconceived ideas of Down Syndrome might still be sceptical and find it difficult to believe that this was indeed her own work. I’ve edited the parts written by Shéri (in her home language, Afrikaans), just like those of any other person telling his or her story. To do more was not necessary in the case of this young woman, with a diploma in Educare and who travels the world as a motivational speaker. In the process I did, however, try to let her voice shine through (even in this translated version), in the same way that I tried to retain Susette’s voice in Part 2.

Shéri – Just the way I am is an inspirational story that will challenge people’s perceptions of Down Syndrome.

Colleen Naudé

October 2017


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