Читать книгу Reprogram Your Mind: The Power of Belief Systems - Silva JD Jean - Страница 5



We live in a world that made of beliefs. What we hear, touch, taste and feel came from the beliefs we have. You can find many unique beliefs anywhere but mostly came from our environment. You are born with a beliefs already instilled in your life.

As you grow up and socialized you accept some of these beliefs. Eventually, our world is full of ideas, values and characters that when combined will create beliefs. We take beliefs as all are true. We used them in our lives. Almost of the beliefs that exist we agree to them.

As we grow old, we take beliefs in our lives daily but often forgot about them. It is like instilled in our system not knowing that we are already following it. We also accept beliefs as the right answers to some of our questions in life. Then, suddenly we realize we should change our self.

We lose weight, we change job, find love, or get divorce. This is what the fundamental characteristic of our consciousness, the motivation to improve ourselves. We work hard for the changes we made, struggling ourselves and hoping to surpass what we change in our life and continue the habit we instill.

Sometimes we success for a life time of the changes we made. But also often times we only succeed in just a small span of time, maybe a week, days or month. It really depends on the changes we make. Of course major changes will be hard.

But why we can’t achieve the person we want to be. Why people can’t create the person they build in dreams? Why despite of everything we try, the result is always the same? No matter how we struggle to be something we want, in just a short time we are still back to the same person we originally are.

The answer to these questions is because of our beliefs. Deep inside us, beliefs and what we want to change gets confuse in the way we run our lives. It is much like the movie, Titanic. What beliefs are instilled in us still becomes the first choice of making decisions.

They are like ice bergs that only few are lie in the surface and we are conscious of them that influence our daily lives. The major parts are submerged deep inside our subconscious, affecting our thoughts, feeling and our characteristics.

The future that we created or wish to create will fight against what are already instilled deep even when we are still young. Just like the passengers on the Titanic movie, what we want versus what should be, sink us deep under the ocean.

When we forget about everything and feel lost because we failed to change because of our contradicting beliefs. We should also not forget that we are creatures that have the capability to be creative.

If you can make through reading this guide and applying it to yourself, you will be rewarded for the efforts you make to change. This is a guide that will transform you immediately to a person you wish to be.

See how you take the techniques daily in your lives without missing. The key to changing successfully lies in yourself, on how much you can be consistent in your actions. If you want a guide on how to successfully change your beliefs, read more in this guideline.

This guideline is not only for one usage, to make things effective, the more you repeat them in your daily life, the more you succeed. You can always try and try these tips. You must also remember to always do them one step at a time.

You may not want to limit yourself within a month. Do them daily, then weekly until you memorize them. The key to success will always be consistency. Don’t skip each process and as much as possible do it daily. Success befalls to those who are patience and failures to those who are not.

Reprogram Your Mind: The Power of Belief Systems

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