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Key Things to Do Before Making Changes


This is information in which you can use. These are simple ways before you can start the guide to making a change successfully.

Step 1: You must put yourself always at the top.

If you do not put yourself in your main concern, you will always find reasons not to pursue the change. This maybe a difficult task because there is a saying that putting yourself first makes you a selfish person. They say, put others sake first before yourself.

But sometimes it is not handy. Just take the example when you ride a plane. The safety precautions they are telling to all passengers is “Please put your own mask on before helping others”. This is because a powerful person will enable to help others than a weak one. So, stop for a while and take a deep breath and put yourself on the top priority list.

Step 2: The only thing that we cannot change is to die. Other than what we do while we live is to make choices.

No matter what we do, though we are sometimes not comfortable in the notion, we have to make choices. That is why to cope up having difficult decision; we place our self as the victim. If we want to change, we must make a choice and there is nothing we can do about it.

Step 3: You are more capable of doing things than what you credit to yourself.

This is a nature that is true and we are not aware of it. We as humans tend to look ourselves less to make us feel comfortable. But growing up requires us to widen our horizons that we often forsake. We still choose the path and routines that becomes comfortable to us.

We are frightened to walk on the hard way because we are afraid to face failures. That is why to make things easy, we walk on what we think is the easy path. But trust yourself, if you really want the change, dream high and you can do many amazing things that is not on your circle and comfort zone.

These are the three fundamental things as we start the journey to making changes. We are convinced that the true us lies inside just whispering. The majority of what we make our self just lie beneath the surface.

Our hidden mind and heart will determine the true person inside our self. But we can only achieve change if we know how to listen to our subconscious mind and stop believing differently. We have to increase the part where we coordinate in our inner minds and thoughts.

Our mind uses the five senses in gathering experiences and information we get in our daily lives. The experience we have are filtered in our inner thoughts where our subconscious of the information. We absorb the experience and values we grasp. Everything gathered will form into beliefs.

Each time we grow, we are constructing our own world and perceptions in life. There are questions that we will answer every time we learn. Is the world out there safe or dangerous? How can I avoid pain and only feel pleasure? What is the boundary of my territory? Where is my place on the pack?

When we are still young, those questions are not so clear. But as our mind grow old; we can interpret it to ourselves by our own language through the time of development. It is what the mind believes around his world.

Language is the heart or the fundamental element for human to interpret and find the purpose to see reality. Though we find some things are different from aside what we believe, it is still us who can interpret our own meaning of that supposed happening.

You will not see the world if you do not use your senses. You cannot interpret things if we do not interpret it in our own mind. Your mind will be the one to create what is reality to you. With this, we judge, describe and tell what you see happens around us.

The key to successful changing is to alter our state of mind. As we grow old, our brain changes and to breath is the process of exploring the inner world we have. First thing we must do is to know our nature. We have to forget judging others but focus on you.

Second, know what you feel and what lies inside you. Observe and explore your inner world. Third, observe on how you can change. What triggers you to change? Explore the factors or situation that motivates you to change.

Take time to breath in and out, to find the peace within yourself. Then, you can focus on the brain waves where you can slow down your mind and dig deep in your inner thoughts. Lastly, observe what are the factors or things that will make you change. Your inner thought is the great place to make the changes.

Exercise: Breathe In and Breathe Out Exercise:

This is one of the most effective exercises in altering your state of mind to approach the process of changing your beliefs. It is not only the brain waves of human that changes are they age. The breathing also changes from deep, diaphragmatic breath to shallow upper chest breath. For thoughts and cultures, the breathing is the first way to reach our inner world. So, take a few times to know your breathing.

First, learn to know how you breathe. Know where it will start and where it stops. Also, know if it’s long or short, deep or shallow and relaxed or tense.

Next, observe and play with your breathing. What happens when you integrate it with your diaphragm? To do the step, you need a place to sit down straight and comfortable. Put your one hand on the navel and the other on your chest. Aim for the lower hand and stomach below to push outwards every time you inhale. Aim for your lower hand and stomach inward every time you exhale. Then, observe how you feel and how you change.

Lastly, breathe in and out using your nose as quickly as possible. Do it for half minute and observe the sound of your mind and body. Again observe how do you feel and how do you change.

Reprogram Your Mind: The Power of Belief Systems

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