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ОглавлениеIt is difficult to give the credit of the invention of the telescope to any one particular person, for, as in the case of most instruments, its history has been a history of improvements; and whether we should give the laurel to Jansen, Baptista Porta, Galileo or to others whose names are unknown, is an invidious task to decide; we will therefore not enter in any way into the question, interesting though it be, as to who was the inventor of the “optick tube,” as the telescope was called by its first users.
The telescope is not a thing in the ordinary sense—it is a combination of things, the things being certain kinds of lenses, concave and convex, known and used as spectacles long before they were combined to form the telescope.
The first telescopes depended on the refraction of light; others, to which attention will be called in a future chapter, depended on reflection.
Fig. 20.—View and Section of a Prism.
In order to understand the action of a lens, it is necessary to understand the action of a prism. By the aid of Fig. 20 the action of the lenses of which telescopes are constructed will be understood. A prism is a piece of glass, or other transparent substance, the sides of which are so inclined to each other that its section is a triangle, and its action on light passing through it is to change the direction of the course of the beam. If we examine Fig. 21 we shall understand the action clearly. It is a known law, that when a beam of light falls obliquely on the surface of a medium more dense than that through which it has been passing, its direction is changed to a new one, nearer the line drawn at right angles to that surface, railed the normal. For instance, the ray S, I, falling on the prism at I, is bent into the course I, E, which is in a direction nearer to that of N, I, produced inside the prism. On emerging, the reverse takes place, and the ray is bent away from the normal E, N´, and takes the course E, R. In the second diagram, Fig. 21, the ray S, I, called the incident ray, coincides with the normal to the surface, so it is not refracted until it reaches the second surface, when it has its path changed to E, R, instead of taking its direct course shown by the dotted line. This bending of the ray is very plainly shown with an electric lamp and screen. If a trough with parallel sides be placed so as to intercept part of the light coming from the electric lamp, so that part shall pass through it and part above, we have the image of the hole in the diaphragm of the lantern on the screen unchanged. Now, if the trough be filled with water, no difference whatever is made in the position of the light on the screen, because the water, which is denser than the air, is contained in a trough with parallel sides; but by opening the sides like opening a book, or by interposing another trough with inclined sides, shaped like a V, that parallelism is destroyed, and then the light passing through it will be deflected upwards from its original course, and will fall higher on the screen; by opening the sides more and more, one is able to alter the direction of the light passing through the prism, which has been constructed by destroying the parallelism of the two sides.
Fig. 21.—Deviation of Light in Passing at Various Incidences through Prisms of Various Angles.
The refraction of light then depends upon the density of the substance through which it passes, on the angle of incidence of the ray, on the angle of the prism, and also on the colour of the light, about which we shall have something to say presently.
Let us now pass from the prism to the lens; for having once grasped the idea of refraction there will be no difficulty in seeing what a lens really is.
With the prism just considered, placed so that a vertical section is represented by a V, a ray is thrown upwards; if another similar prism be placed with its base in contact with the base of the other, and its apex upwards, so that its section will be represented by a V reversed, Ʌ, it is clear this will turn the rays downwards, so that the rays, on emerging from both prisms will tend to meet each other, as shown, in Fig. 22, where one ray is turned down to the same extent that the other is turned up; so that by the combination of two prisms the two rays are brought to a point, which is called a focus. Now, if instead of putting the prisms base to base, they are put apex to apex, a contrary action takes place, and by this means one is able to cause two rays of light to diverge instead of converging, so that the prisms, placed apex to apex, cause the rays to diverge, and when placed base to base they cause the light to converge.
Fig. 22.—Convergence of Light by Two Prisms Base to Base.
If instead of having two prisms merely, there be taken a system having different angles at their apices, and from each prism there be cut a section, beginning by cutting off the apex of the most powerful prism, a slice from below the apex of the next, and a slice below the corresponding part of the next, and so on; and then if these slices be laid on each other so as to form a compound prism, and another similar prism be placed with its base to this one, we get what is represented in Fig. 23. These different slices of prisms become more and more prismatic, that is, they form parts of prisms of greater angle, as they approach the ends. We can imagine a section of such a system as thin as we please. Suppose we had such a section and put it in a lathe, rotating it on the axis A B, we should describe a solid figure, and if we suppose all the angles rounded off, so that it is made thinner and thinner as we recede from the centre, the prism system is turned into a lens having the form represented in Fig. 24. In a similar manner, lenses thinner in the middle than at the edges, called concave lenses, can he constructed, some forms of which are represented in section in Fig. 25. It is also obvious that convex lenses of all curves and combinations of curves can be made, some of which appear in Fig. 26.
Fig. 23.—Formation of a Lens from Sections of Prisms.
Fig. 24.—Front View and Section of a Double Convex Lens.
Fig. 25.—Double Concave, Plane Concave, and Concavo-Convex Lenses.
The action of such lenses upon the light proceeding from any source may now be considered. If there is a parallel beam proceeding from a lamp, or from the sun, and it falls on the form of lens, called a convex lens, which bulges out in the middle, we learn from Fig. 27, that the upper part acts like the upper prism just considered and turns the light down, and the lower acts in the reverse manner and turns the light up, and the sides act in a similar manner; and as the inclination of the surfaces of the lens increases as we approach the edge, the rays falling on the parts near the edge are turned out of their course more than those falling near the centre, so that we have the rays converged to a point F, called the focus of the lens; and as the rays from an electric lamp are generally rendered parallel by means of the lenses in the lantern, called the condensers, the rays from such a lamp falling on a convex lens will come to a focus at just the same distance from the lens, called its principal focal length as they would do if they came from the sun or stars.
Fig. 26.—Double Convex, Plane Convex, and Concavo-Convex Lenses.
Fig. 27.—Convergence of Rays by Convex Lens to Principal Focus.
So far we have brought rays to a focus, and on holding a piece of paper at the focus of the convex lens, as just mentioned, there appears on it a spot of light; and every one knows that if this experiment be performed with the sun, one brings all the rays falling on the lens almost to a point, and the longer waves of light will set fire to the paper; and on this principle burning-glasses are constructed. If, however, the rays are not parallel when falling on the lens, but diverging, they are not brought to a focus so near the lens, and the nearer the luminous source or object is, the further off will the light be brought to a focus on the other side. If matters are reversed, and the luminous source be placed in the focus, the rays of light, when they leave the lens, will converge to the position of the original source; so that there are two points, one on either side of the lens, which are the foci of each other S, S´, Fig. 28, called conjugate foci; as one approaches the lens the other recedes, and vice versâ, and it is obvious that when the one approaches the lens so as to coincide with the principal focus, the other recedes to an infinite distance, and the emergent rays are parallel.
Fig. 28.—Conjugate Foci or Convex Lens.
Fig. 29.—Conjugate Images.
Fig. 30.—Diagram explaining Fig. 29.
Now let us consider how images are formed. If we take a candle, Fig. 29, and hold the lens a little distance away from it, then, on placing a screen of paper just on the other side of the lens, there will be a small flame depicted on it, an exact representation of the real flame: and it is formed in this way: Consider the rays proceeding from the top of the flame, which are represented separately in Fig. 30, where A represents the top. One of these rays, A a, passing through the centre of the lens o, will he unaffected because the surfaces through which it passes are parallel to each other; and we know from the property of the lens that all the other rays from A will, on passing through it, be brought to a focus somewhere on A a, depending on the curvature of the lens, and in the case of our lens it is at a.
Fig. 31.—Dispersion of Rays by a Double Concave Lens.
In like manner also all the rays from B are brought to a focus at b, and so on with all other parts of A, B, which in this case represents the flame, each will have its corresponding focus; there being cones of rays from every point of the object and to every point of the image, having for their bases the convex lens, and we get an image or exact representation of our candle flame. It will further be noticed that the image a b is smaller than A B, in proportion as the distance a b is less than A B; so that if we increase the focal length of the lens till a b is twice the distance away from the lens, it will become double its present size.
If now the flame be brought nearer the lens, its image a b becomes indistinct; and we must move the screen further away in order to render the image again clear; hence the place of the focus depends on the distance of the object, and the candle and its image must correspond to two conjugate foci.
Fig. 32.—Horizontal Section of the Eyeball. Scl, the sclerotic coat; Cn, the cornea; R, the attachments of the tendons of the recti muscles; Ch, the choroid; Cp, the ciliary processes; Cm, the ciliary muscle; Ir, the iris; Aq, the aqueous humour; Cry, the crystalline lens; Vi, the vitreous humour; Rt, the retina; Op, the optic nerve; Ml, the yellow spot.
If now rays be passed from the lantern or sun through a concave lens, Fig. 31, they are not brought to a focus, but are dispersed and travel onwards, as if they came from a point, F, which is called its virtual focus; and if rays are first converged by a convex lens, and then, before they reach the focus are allowed to fall on a concave one, we can, by placing the lenses a certain distance apart, render the converging rays again parallel; or we can make them slightly divergent, as if they came, not from an infinite distance, but from a point a foot or two off. The application of this arrangement will appear hereafter.
What has now been said on the action of the convex lens will enable us to consider the optical action of the eye, without which we do little in astronomy. As to the way that the brain receives impressions from the eye we need say nothing, for that belongs to the domain of physiology, except indeed this, that an image is formed on the retina by a chemical decomposition, brought about by the dissociating action of certain rays of light in exactly the same way as on a photographic plate. Optically considered, the eye consists of nothing more than a convex lens, Cry, Fig. 32, and a surface, Rt, extending over the back of the eyeball, called the retina, on which the objects are focussed, but the rays of light falling on the cornea Cn, are refracted somewhat, so that it is not quite true to say that the crystalline lens does all the work, but for our present purpose it is sufficiently correct, and we shall consider their combined action as that of a single lens.
The outer coat of the eyeball, shown in section in Fig. 32, is called the sclerotic, with the exception of that more convex part in front of the eye, called the cornea; behind this comes the aqueous humour and then the iris, that membrane of which the colour varies in different people and races. In the centre of this is a circular aperture called the pupil, which contracts or expands according to the brightness of the objects looked at, so that the amount of light passing into the eye is kept as far as possible constant. Close behind the iris comes the crystalline lens, the thickness of which can be altered slightly by the ciliary muscle. In the space between the lens and the back of the eye is a transparent jelly-like substance called the vitreous humour. Finally comes the retina, a most delicate surface chiefly composed of nerve fibres. It is on this surface, that the image is formed by the curved surfaces of the anterior membranes, and through the back of the eyeball is inserted the mass of filaments of the optic nerve making communication with the brain; these filaments on reaching the inside of the eye spread out to receive the impressions of light.
Here then, we have a complete photographic camera; the crystalline lens and cornea, separated by the aqueous humour, representing the compound-glass camera lens, and the retina standing in the place of the sensitive plate.
Fig. 33.—Action of Eye in Formation of Images.
The path of the light forming an image on the retina is shown in Fig. 33, where A B is the object, and a b its image, formed in exactly the same way as the image of the candle-flame which we have just considered; in fact, the eye is exactly represented by a photographic camera, the iris acting in the same manner as the stops in the lens, limiting its available area, and by contracting, decreasing the amount of light from bright objects, and at the same time increasing the sharpness of definition, for in the case of the eye, the luminous rays obey the known laws of propagation of light in media of variable form and density, and we have only simple refraction to deal with. The next matter to be considered is that the nearer the object A B is to the eye, the larger is the angle A, o, B, and also a, o, b, and therefore the image on the retina is larger; but there is a limit to the nearness to which the object can be brought, for, as we found with the candle, the distance between the lens and the image must be increased as the object approaches, or the curvature of the lens itself must be altered, for if not the ray forming the rays from each point of the object will be too divergent for the lens to be able to bring them to a focus. Now in the eye there is an adjustment of this sort, but it is limited so that objects begin to get indistinct when brought nearer the eye than perhaps six inches, because the rays become too divergent for the lens to bring them to a focus on the retina, and they tend to come to a focus behind the retina, as in Fig. 34; but we may assist the eye lens by using a glass convex lens in front of it, between it and the object. It is for this reason that spectacle glasses are used to enable long-sighted persons to see clearly.
Fig. 34.—Action of a Long-sighted Eye.
We may also use a much stronger lens, and so get the object very near the lens and eye, as in Fig. 35, where a b is the object so near the eye that, if it were not for the lens L, its image would not come to a focus on the retina at all. The effect of the lens is to make the rays proceeding in a cone from a and b less divergent, so that after passing through it, they proceed to the eye-lens as if they were coming from the points A and B, a foot or so away from the eye, and so the object a b appears to be a much larger object at a greater distance from the eye.
Fig. 35.—1. Diagram showing path of rays when viewing an object at an easy distance. 2. Object brought close to eye when the lens L is required to assist the eye-lens to observe the image when it is magnified.
A convex lens then has the power of magnifying objects when brought near the eye, and its action is clearly seen in Fig. 35, where the upper figure shows the arrow at as short a distance from the eye as it can be seen distinctly with an ordinary eye, and the lower figure shows the same arrow brought close to the eye, and rendered distinctly visible by the lens when a magnified image is thrown on the retina, as if there was a real larger arrow somewhere between the dotted lines at the ordinary distance of distinct vision. It is also obvious that the nearer the object can be brought to the eye-lens the more magnified it is, just as an object appears larger the nearer it is brought to the unaided eye.
We have been hitherto dealing with the effect of a convex lens on the rays passing to the eye. We will now deal with a concave one.
We found that the power of adjustment of the normal eye was sufficient to bring parallel rays, or those proceeding from a very distant object, and also slightly diverging rays, to a focus on the retina. Parallel or slightly divergent rays are most easily dealt with, and slightly convergent rays can also be focussed on the retina; but if the eye-lens is too convex, as is the case with short-sighted people, Fig. 36, a concave lens of slight curvature is used to correct the eye-lens and bring the image to a focus on the retina instead of in front of it.
Fig. 36.—Action of Short-sighted Eye.
If the rays are very convergent, as those proceeding from a convex lens and coming to a focus, the lens of a normal eye will bring them to a focus far in front of the retina, as if the person were very short-sighted. But by interposing a sufficiently powerful concave lens the rays are made less convergent or parallel, and the eye-lens brings them to a focus on the retina, as if they came from a near object, so the use of convex and concave lenses placed close to the eye is to render divergent or convergent rays nearly parallel, so that the eye-lens can easily focus them, and therefore one of the conditions of the telescope is that the rays which come into our eye shall be parallel or nearly so.