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We have considered the telescope as a combination of an object-glass and eyepiece in the one case, and of a speculum and eyepiece in the other; that is to say, we have discussed the optical principles which are applied in the construction of refracting and reflecting telescopes, the telescope being taken as consisting of an object-glass or speculum and an eyepiece of the most simple form, viz., a simple double convex lens.

We must now go into detail somewhat on the subject of eyepieces, and explain the different kinds.

It will be recollected that when we spoke of the object-glass, its aberration, both chromatic and spherical, was mentioned. Now every ordinary lens has these errors, and eyepieces must be corrected for them, but this is not done in exactly the same way as with object-glasses.

In the case of eyepieces the error is corrected by using two lenses of such focal lengths or at such a distance apart that each counteracts the defects of the other; not by using two kinds of glass as in the case of the object-glass, but by so arranging the lenses that the coloured rays produced by the first lens shall fall at different angles of incidence on the second and become recombined.

Fig. 60.—Huyghens’ Eyepiece.

Let us take the case of a well-known eyepiece, called the Huyghenian eyepiece, after its inventor. It consists of two plano-convex lenses, A and B Fig. 60, with their convexities turned towards the object-glass, and having their focal lengths in the proportion of three to one. The strongest lens, A, being next the eye, the lens B is placed inside the focus of the object-glass, so that it assists in bringing the image, say of a double star, to a focus at F, half way between the lenses, and nearer to the object-glass than it would have been without the lens. This image is then viewed by the eye-lens, A, and a magnified image of it seen apparently at F´, as has been before explained. Now let us see how the fieldlens renders this combination achromatic. Let us consider the path of a ray falling on the lens near B, shown in section in Fig. 61: it is there refracted, but, the blue rays being refracted more than the red, there will be two rays produced, r and v, giving of course a coloured edge to the image; but when this image is viewed by the eye-glass, A, it no longer appears coloured, for the ray v, falling nearer the axis of A, is less bent than r, and they are rendered nearly parallel and appear to proceed from the point F´ where the whole image appears without colour. In order to get the best result with this form of eyepiece the focal length of the fieldlens should be three times that of the eye-lens and they should be placed at a distance of half their joint focal lengths apart.

Fig. 61.—Diagram Explaining the Achromaticity of the Huyghenian Eyepiece.

The next eyepiece which comes under consideration is that called Ramsden’s, Fig. 62. It consists of two plano-convex lenses of the same focus, A and B, placed at a distance of two-thirds of the focal length of either apart; they are both on the eye side of the focus of the telescope, and act together, to render the rays parallel and give a magnified virtual image of F´F.

This eyepiece is not strictly achromatic, but it suffers least of all lenses from spherical aberration; it also has the advantage of being placed behind the focus of the object-glass, which makes it superior to others in instruments of precision, as we shall presently see.

Fig. 62.—Ramsden’s Eyepiece.

It must be remembered that these eyepieces give an inverted image—or rather the object glass gives an inverted image, and the eyepiece does not right it again; but there are eyepieces that will erect the image, and Rheita’s is one of this kind. It is, as will be seen from Fig. 63, merely a second application of the same means that first inverts the object, namely, a second small telescope. A is the object-glass, a b the image inverted in the usual way; B is an ordinary convex lens sending the rays from a and b parallel. Now, instead of placing the eye at C, as in the ordinary manner, another small lens, acting as an object-glass, is placed in the path of the rays, bringing them to a focus at , , and forming there an erect image which is viewed by the eye-lens D. This is the erecting eyepiece or “day eyepiece,” of the common “terrestrial telescope.” Dollond substituted an Huyghenian eyepiece for the eye-lens D, and so made what is called his four-glass eyepiece.

Dr. Kitchener devised and Mr. G. Dollond made an alteration in this eyepiece in order to vary its power at pleasure. It is done in this way: The size of the image a´ b´ depends upon the relation of the distances a B and E , which can be varied by altering the distance of the combination of the lenses B and E, from the image a b, and so making a´ b´ larger and at a focus further from E; the tube carrying d slides in and out, so that it can be focussed on a´ b´ at whatever distance from E it may be. This arrangement is called Dollond’s Pancratic eyepiece.

Stargazing: Past and Present

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