Читать книгу Summary: Thanks for the Feedback. The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well. Douglas Stone, Sheila Heen - Smart Reading, Ольга Ганкова - Страница 3

What obstructs feedback?


There are three types of triggers preventing us from receiving feedback adequately.

Truth triggers. Comments seem to us unfair and inappropriate. ("What do you mean by 'I’m being arrogant?' – I’m the embodiment of friendliness!")

Relationship triggers. The focus gets shifted from the content of the feedback to the feedback giver, or to the relationship the recipient has with him or her. ("Who is he to judge me? What does he even know about this? He’s just wants to spite me!")

Identity triggers. It seems to us that criticism threatens our system of self-perception. In an attempt to preserve the "psychological me", we refuse to discuss our weaknesses. ("Well, of course, I always mess things up.")

All of these reactions are natural but interfere with constructive feedback. Next, the authors will talk about how to counteract them and how to hold conversations regarding feedback.

Summary: Thanks for the Feedback. The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well. Douglas Stone, Sheila Heen

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