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HCG Diet

800 Calorie


Second edition

physician recommended and approved

Authored By: Sonia E. Russell, LPN

Licensed Nurse and Professional hCG Diet Coach

Copyright Notice

This material is copyrighted 2012 by HCG Doctors Group, LLC, and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, broadcast or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from HCG Doctors Group, LLC.

Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com


ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0995-5

Biography of Sonia E. Russell, LPN

I am a nurse with over 14 years of clinical experience and was trained at UCLA Medical Center in California. As a professional hCG diet coach, I have researched and tested the 800 calorie protocol on thousands of patients in the clinical setting over the past 5 years. I co-developed the modified 800 calorie protocol with a team of physicians. Our intention was to provide the dieter with a safer, more comfortable plan. We believed adding breakfast, along with additional protein and vegetables options, could produce the same, if not better, weight loss results when compared to the original 500 calorie VLCD. The protocol also includes many improvements to the original phase 3 stabilization plan by the removal of certain foods that many dieters have been known to overindulge upon.

In 2007, my medical team and I began our internal testing and food trial studies on the 800 calorie plan with our patients in the clinical setting. Additionally, in 2010 a 6-week successful clinical study was performed by the American Society of Bariatric Physicians ASBP on the modified 800 plan.


In May 2011, I published our findings in my book developed specifically for the hCG dieter entitled, HCG Diet 800 Calorie Protocol. The 800 calorie protocol has indeed been proven safer, more comfortable, and in most cases yielded higher losses when compared to the original 500 VLCD.

I am also a co-author of the book entitled, The Best Diet You Have Never Heard Of - Physician Updated 800 Calorie hCG Diet Removes Health Concerns. This book was written by medical professionals for the prescribing practitioner to utilize as a higher standard for Rx hCG weight loss therapy prescribed off label for weight loss.

In 2011, I teamed up with personal fitness trainer, Candice Ekberg, B.S. ESS, NSCA-CPT, AEMT to create an expanded guide that will ensure the dieter a successful stabilization in phase 3 entitled, Phase 3 HCG Diet: Successful Stabilization Plan Revealed. Our purpose was to eliminate the need for chronic correction days, unnecessary additional rounds and help teach dieters how to keep the weight off for good. To learn more about how Candice lost weight utilizing the HCG Diet 800 Calorie Protocol, visit her blog at http://www.bodybycandice.com To download a copy of our phase 3 guide to your e-Reader device such as Kindle, Nook, iPad, please visit https://www.ebookit.com/books/0000001364/Phase-3-HCG-Diet-Successful-Stabilization-Plan-Revealed.html?sonia

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HCG Diet 800 Calorie Protocol Support– http://www.facebook.com/groups/168886913206892/

HCG Diet 800 Calorie Protocol – business page http://www.facebook.com/groups/100738906691037/

Inches and Pounds – business page http://www.facebook.com/inchesandpounds

Sonia E Russell – page http://www.facebook.com/inchesadmin

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HCG Diet 800 Calorie Protocol Second Edition

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