Читать книгу The Art of Being You - SRI PUBLICATIONS SRI - Страница 11
An Introduction to Your Self
ОглавлениеYou are searching the world, looking for what you carry within.
One day you may experience an unfamiliar restlessness, a stirring within you. You may start to wonder about yourself and about your life. You push the feeling away, but it comes back again. Questions arise up in your mind: What am I doing here? What do I want out of life? Am I missing something? Who am I, really? These are important questions. They mark an awakening, the beginning of a quest—the quest to know yourself and your place in this universe. Count yourself fortunate if you are growing in the awareness of this dimension of life, or deepening your experience of it.
Don’t be in a hurry to find answers to your questions. One who is wise will not answer them for you. If anyone offers an answer, you would be wise to choose to stay with your question and wait for the answer to come on its own. Your questions are for you and you alone. Just be with them. They are sufficient to take you deep into yourself. They are the vehicle that will take you into that center core of your Being called ‘the Self’.
Every soul, every growing soul, knowingly or unknowingly, longs to make the journey back to the Self.
You may have experiences of this Self—a few seconds, a few minutes that seem to exist outside of time; a moment when the ordinary glows with beauty; the feeling of flowing out, perhaps, of having no boundaries. When these experiences come—believe in them. They are a reflection of your Self.
The Self is spirit in its purest form—eternal and unlimited spirit as it dwells in every individual. “Resting in the Self” refers to the experience of being centered in the spirit within. There you are aware of your oneness with the whole—with God and all of God’s creation.
An experience of Self is more likely to happen when stress, tensions, worries and anxieties are lifted from the mind. Prayer and meditation are helpful in coming to that experience. Until this realization happens, until you have the experience of the pure, vast, blissful Self within you, you are moving through life holding a beautiful gift without unwrapping it. All the charm and joy you see in the world is just wrapping paper—colorful and glittery. Inside you is the real gift-divinity itself.
When you begin to wonder about yourself, about your life, when you begin to look for something bigger, something more, the journey has begun. With patience and perseverance, it will lead you to experience life in its fullest and richest form. Count yourself fortunate if you are awakening to this dimension of life, or are desiring to deepen your experience of it.
In the center core of you, you are only bliss and love— nothing else.