Читать книгу How to Break Bad Habits: Ultimate Guide to Good Habits - Stephanie JD Christopher - Страница 7
What’s Holding You Back
ОглавлениеWhat Inhibitions May You Need to Take Note of?
Despite the feeling that it’s simpler to accept failure at removing a habit or at stepping out of your comfort zone, you probably still feel a powerful urge inside of you that believes you can do it.
Taking the first step, however, is sometimes so hard that the process as a whole seems more daunting than it really is.
You go back and forth between letting a habit thrive and break it down, but there’s some force that won’t allow you to go through with it. You must discover that source.
Green Light, Red Light
If you’ve ever tried to break a habit, you know that it takes more than desire to overcome it. When habits become as naturally ingrained into your system as knowing how to breathe, desire can’t stop it.
You can hold your breath for a few moments, but you’ll eventually have to grasp for air. The familiarity of habits make them more pleasurable than not performing. Attempting to eliminate them can lead to withdrawal symptoms.
I Don’t Want it Anymore!
Your habit has a deadly stranglehold on you, but without arms and muscles, it’s useless. It is those that power your habit. An amputation of this root will lead on to mother, more apparent strategies at success.
The Root of the Problem
Every habit, regardless of what form it takes, is alive within you for a very specific reason. An experience from your past merited that you act a certain way, and you were never able to stop afterwards.
Probe your mind for instances during which doing the habit was absolutely necessary. Think of embarrassing situations that, expectations others have of you, positive feelings you associate with the habit, or any other emotion that may have been tied to the response.
It doesn’t so much matter whether the trigger for your habit was a positive or negative stimulus because it’s interfering with your functionality nonetheless.
It may take a few rounds of trial and error, but by identifying specific moments when a trait might have been learned, you are coming to better understand yourself and why you do the things you do. It can also help you find the motivation you need to enlist a change in your life.
Change is Your Responsibility
The worst way to target the source of a habit is by attributing the source to parents or siblings. Doing so implies that they are the ones responsible and that they’re the ones who should be accommodating your condition. Doing so also makes you more bitter towards the individual and stops you from peaceably moving forward. Even if others did contribute to the habit, it was ultimately you who chose to react the way you did. Therefore, bringing an end to it is your responsibility.
Adults typically have it easier in this regard because, unlike kids, they are more fully aware of their responsibilities in life. This makes it easier to accept the source of the habit as a personal fault, leading them to improve themselves more efficiently.
Accept Your Fears
Survival is a basic instinct of every living creature. Fear helps us to react in ways that can help to preserve our lives, so it’s not necessarily the bad thing that people see it as. Still, some fears known as phobias are highly irrational and can most likely be done without.
Consider if what’s stopping you from overcoming a bad habit stems from a fear. If so, the only way to move past that fear is to accept it as part of you, and not something imposed on you by someone else. Denial of your fear amplifies your emotional discomfort. When you do come around to accepting the fear as a product of your own character, slowly begin remove yourself from its grasp.
That’s not to say to remove the fear completely; only to recognize and become comfortable with knowing fear is a part of you.
Out With the Bad, In With the Good
You can’t remove the neural connections related to a bad habit, but you can alter the way it functions by “replacing” a bad habit with a better one. You already know what it is you want to change about yourself, so all that’s left is for you to develop a method through which you can take what’s wrong with you and affect it in a positive light. Think about your future’s new, bright path after you’ve managed to put an end to your bad habit. Those thoughts will motivate you to take action.
The stronger your conviction to end the habit, the easier it will be to take even the most difficult steps, but you can also feel confident in knowing that you’re moving in the right direction. Remember that no one but you can bring about a change to your habits. With proper incentives to eradicate a bad habit, nothing can stop you from moving forward with a plan of action.