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CHAPTER 4 Investigating the Problems – a Look at Tests, Scans and ‘Scopes


There are many tests that may be done to pinpoint a specific bowel problem. Some of them are fine if you don’t mind needles; others are fine if you don’t mind a gloved finger fiddling about ‘down there’. Many of us mind it greatly! Some tests, like endoscopies, may involve a sedative, which helps if you’re nervous – although it does rather limit your ability to drive yourself home afterwards. Others – like ultrasound scans and some x-rays – are completely painless and simply involve you lying back and relaxing (supposedly). Here are the most common tests – how they are performed and their purposes …

The Good Gut Guide: Help for IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's Disease, Diverticulitis, Food Allergies and Other Gut Problems

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