Читать книгу Who Murdered FDR? - Stephen B. Ubaney - Страница 3

Author’s Note


I was a good student. I completed three degrees in three years, was inducted into three national honor societies, and graduated in the top 1% of my class at the University at Buffalo. I read all the right books, asked all the right questions and took all the right notes.

I learned a great deal from my teachers and professors but I always knew that schools only educated people, they couldn’t teach them how to think. I realized that even the most decorated of students were doing little more than repeating what we had been told and were reciting sentences from books, written by God knows who, that all said the same basic thing.

It wasn’t until years later that I figured out that those textbooks were selected that way for a reason. The textbooks were selected by the same people who were teaching us not think on our own. Are we breeding a society of mental sheep? Doesn’t sheep rhyme with sleep?!

As the years went by I developed something that I called the five times rule. When there was something that I couldn’t get to the bottom of I asked myself why. Each time I came to an answer, I asked why again, and I kept doing it until I got to the root of the issue. I am certainly no genius but I was able to solve more than a few of life’s little puzzles this way.

In the years that followed I developed a great interest in revisiting the text books that we were forced to read in many of those tormented classrooms. History and World War II were subjects that especially interested me, so I put the five times rule to work on my favorite events within those subjects.

This book is the result of three years of exercising the five times rule on a subject that I never believed happened the way that they said. I put the five times rule to work on one question that has dogged me for years. How could President Roosevelt, Adolph Hitler, and Benito Mussolini all end up dead in a little over two weeks? When I unpacked that question, other questions began to surround me.

Why was Stalin so paranoid about everyone around him? How did President Roosevelt conveniently die just as Allied troops were reaching Hitler’s bunker? Why wasn’t Roosevelt autopsied or embalmed? Why, in 1957, did Eleanor Roosevelt hire a private investigator to reopen the case of her husband’s death? What was she looking for?

This book consists of three years of solid mental digging as I read, researched and uncovered lost treasures in the national archives that I used to answer my questions. What I have discovered at the end of my exhaustive investigation flies in the face of the history textbooks that we were commanded to believe.

Over time I have learned to hate the five times rule as it is far more of a curse than a blessing. Some of the things that I have uncovered I am genuinely sorry that I did and this is the vanguard of those times. Those living under the misconception that this book was just written to make a quick buck have obviously never written a book.

I can’t begin to tell you the painstaking hours that have gone into the research, writing, phone calling and the gathering of the necessary facts and permissions. There is no way I could ever be paid enough for this book to be a profitable venture so I will take my pension in the knowledge that the truth will finally be told."

Who Murdered FDR?

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