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This book is presented solely for entertainment purposes. It is a creative nonfiction book that weaves a hypothesis based on years of researched facts. Some of these facts have existed in other authors’ works for decades and have been presented within this manuscript to assist the author, and reader with the development of the storyline.

In order to get as close to the truth as humanly possible, the material selected for presentation dealt only in first hand experiences and were of the best ”source direct” content available.

While the best efforts have been used in preparing this book and the author has quoted several official and credible sources, the content is a narrative of those gathered facts. The author is not a professional law enforcement agent or criminal investigator.

This book was written without ghost writers, malice or ulterior motives. The author’s sole intention is to solve the long standing mystery surrounding President Roosevelt’s death and not to discredit or defame any character in the manuscript’s factual hypothesis.

The opinion(s) expressed in this book may not be the personal opinion(s) of the author. It is merely a gathering of researched fact based on the information available.

The literary journalism within this book has finally assembled a believable and final event out of the scrambled and conflicting reports which have been repeatedly warped in the public consciousness for years.

Those who read this book the first time will do so to learn about Franklin Roosevelt’s murder. Those who read this book the second time will do so to try and wrap their minds around how deeply the powers behind the murder went. Those who read this book the third time will never look at the hierarchical powers in this world the same way again.

Those who are thanked

Wm. E. Weller Esq

J. Richard Milazzo Esq

Sue Herndon

Brandon Borden

Those who are acknowledged

David Vona, PhD

Jim Ostrowski Esq

Debora Becerra Esq

Mark Lane, Esq

Those who inspired

Gerard Crinnin, PhD

Mark Lane, Esq

Richard Hugo

Robert Nasca

From the author of the eye opening book -

Who Murdered Elvis?

Who Murdered FDR?

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