Читать книгу Long Term Emergency Water Storage Prepping & Survival: How to Prepare for a Water Shortage - Stephen Berkley - Страница 7

Long Term Emergency Water Storage


As a beginner, many preppers concentrate on how they can have the ideal walkabout kit or bag. Although these are worthy and admirable projects, a lot of preppers don’t pay particular attention to emergency supplies that would last them for a long time, things that will help them in the event of a large scale disaster.

Many are aware a little stockpile of food should be available in their homes in case of anything. Sadly, that is as far as they go. They like to assume some whiskey, cans of bean, a few granola bars, as well as some water bottles would suffice them for some days, with the hope that stores will be reopened soonest.

They fail to think of what will happen when those shops are locked up for weeks, or even months. What will be your next option when all water lines have been contaminated or damaged? Can you cater for your family and yourself at such times?

Finally, you really need to make preparations that will ensure you have water that will last you guys for a very long time.

Long Term Emergency Water Storage Prepping & Survival: How to Prepare for a Water Shortage

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