Читать книгу Long Term Emergency Water Storage Prepping & Survival: How to Prepare for a Water Shortage - Stephen Berkley - Страница 9

A Backup Water Storage Is Crucial For Preppers!


Water is so important that we cannot do without it. Ideally, one can die due to dehydration in only a matter of days in climates that are hot. Dehydration can also result in quick life-threatening repercussions.

Not having water is not our biggest problem. At times, we have water, the thing is, and it is not safe for drinking due to contaminations (like in Michigan, Flint). Contaminated water is capable of causing so many problems, from light illnesses to even death, leading us to seek alternative water sources even when there is water.

Water is also essential because we need it for cooking so we can have adequate food to consume daily basis. Especially when we are talking about surviving for a long time, we may be dependent on non-perishable food items, which will need water before it can be consumed. Having up to 30 days of freeze-dried foods supply is a great idea, but if you cannot rehydrate it, then it will not be of much help.

Water is needed for a lot of things, so it is proper you have a lot of water that will last you for a very long time should any emergency occur.

Long Term Emergency Water Storage Prepping & Survival: How to Prepare for a Water Shortage

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