Читать книгу Area Handbook for Albania - Stephen Peters - Страница 7



Table of Contents

Table Page
1 Temperature and Precipitation Averages for Selected Locations in Albania 36
2 Drainage Basins in Albania 40
3 Albanian Vital Statistics for Selected Years, 1950-68 52
4 Social Composition of the Population of Albania 76
5 Summary of Educational Institutions, Pupils, and Teachers in Albania, for Selected Years 92
6 Students Attending Higher Institutes in Albania 93
7 Selected Albanian Newspapers 130
8 Selected Albanian Periodicals, 1967 131
9 Albanian Radio Stations, 1969 133
10 Production of Field Crops and Fruits in Albania, 1960 and 1965-70 156
11 Livestock in Albania, 1960, 1964-66, and 1970 Plan 156
12 Industrial Production in Albania, 1960 and 1964-69 163

Figure 1. Transportation Systems in Albania

Area Handbook for Albania

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