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[1] J.G. Korb, Diary of an Austrian Secretary of Legation at the Court of Tsar Peter the Great, red. i przeł. Count MacDonnel, Frank Cass, Londyn 1968, s. 155.
[2] Tamże, s. 243.
[3] Tamże, s. 180.
[4] S. Charlotte, cyt. za: E. Schuyler, Peter the Great, Charles Scribner’s Sons, Nowy Jork 1884, t. 1, s. 285.
[5] Tamże, s. 265.
[6] J.G. Korb, Diary of an Austrian Secretary of Legation at the Court of Tsar Peter the Great, dz. cyt., s. 157.
[7] Cyt. za: F.A. Golder, Russian Expansion on the Pacific, 1641–1850, Paragon Book, Nowy Jork 1971, s. 133.
[8] Tamże, s. 134.