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Software Engineering Step-by-Step
Software Engineering from 20,000 Feet


At this point in the process, you’re probably ready for a break. You’ve put in long hours of planning, design, development, and testing. You’ve found bugs you didn’t expect, and the users are keeping you busy with bug reports and change requests. You want nothing more than a nice, long vacation.

There’s one more important thing you should do before you jet off to Cancún: You need to perform a post-mortem. You need to evaluate the project and decide what went right and what went wrong. You need to figure out how to make the things that went well occur more often in the future. Conversely, you need to determine how to prevent the things that went badly in the future.

Right after the project’s completion, many developers don’t feel like going through this exercise, but it’s important to do right away before everyone forgets any lessons that you can learn from the project.

Beginning Software Engineering

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