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Software Engineering Step-by-Step
Before the Beginning


Memos, discussions about possible change requests, meeting notes, and lunch orders are all easy to distribute via e-mail. Storing those e-mails for historical purposes is also easy: Simply CC a selected e-mail address for every project e-mail. For example, you could create an e-mail address named after the project and copy every project message to that account.

Suppose you’re working on project CLASP (CLeverly Acronymed Software Project). Then you would create an e-mail account named CLASP and send copies of any project e-mail to that account.

TIP I’ve had project managers who extracted every project e-mail into text files and tucked them away in a folder for later use. That lets you perform all sorts of other manipulations that are tricky inside an e-mail system. For example, you could write a program to search the files for messages from the user Terry that include the words “sick” and “Friday.” I’ve even had project managers who printed out every e-mail; although, that seems a bit excessive. Usually just having the e-mails saved in a project account is good enough.

Sometimes, it’s hard for team members to easily find project-related e-mails in the daily spamalanche of offers for cheap Canadian prescriptions, low interest rates guaranteed by the “U.S. National Bank,” letters from your long lost Nigerian uncle, and evacuation notices from your Building Services department.

To make finding project e-mails easier, you can prefix their subjects with an identifier. The following text might show the subject line for an e-mail about the CLASP project.

Of course, if you receive an e-mail with this subject, you should suspect it’s a hoax because all tasks have never been ahead of schedule in the entire history of software engineering. I think the day the term “software engineering” was coined, its definition was already a week overdue.

You can further refine the subject identifier by adding classes of messages. For example, [CLASP.Design] might indicate a message about design for the CLASP project. You can invent any message classes that you think would be useful. Following is a list of a few that may come in handy.

● Admin— Administration

● Rqts— Requirements

● HLDesign— High-level design

● LLDesign— Low-level design

● Dvt— Development

● Test— Testing

● Deploy— Deployment

● Doc— Documentation

● Train— Training

● Maint— Maintenance

● Wrap— Wrap-up

TIP It doesn’t matter what subject line tags you use, as long as you’re consistent. Make a list at the beginning of the project and make sure everyone uses them consistently.

You could even break the identifier further to indicate tasks within a message class. For example, the string [CLASP.LLDesign.1001] might indicate a message regarding low-level design task 1001.

TIP Some e-mail systems can even use rules to route particular messages to different folders. For example, the system might be able to copy messages with the word CLASP in the title into a project e-mail folder. (Just don’t spend more time programming your e-mail system than on the actual project.)

If team members use those conventions consistently, any decent e-mail system should make it easy to find messages that deal with a particular part of the project. To find the test messages, you can search for [CLASP.Test. To find every CLASP e-mail, search for [CLASP.

An alternative strategy is to include keywords inside the message body. You can use a naming convention similar to the one described here, or you can use something more elaborate if you need to. For example, a message might begin with the following text to flag it as involving the testing, bug reports, and login screen.

Now you can search for strings like Key: Bugs to find the relevant messages.

In addition to making e-mails easy to find, you should take steps to make them easy to distribute. Create some e-mail groups so that you can distribute messages to the appropriate people. For example, you may want groups for managers, user interface designers, customers, developers, testers, and trainers – and, of course, a group for everyone.

Then be sure you use the groups correctly! Customers don’t want to hear the developers argue over whether a b+tree is better than an AVL-tree, and user interface designers don’t want to hear the testers dispute the fine points of white-box versus beige-box testing. (In one project I was on, a developer accidentally included customers in an e-mail that described them in less than flattering terms. Basically, he said they didn’t really know what they needed. It was true, but they sure didn’t like hearing it!)

Beginning Software Engineering

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