Читать книгу Police in America - Steven G. Brandl - Страница 152

Questions for Discussion and Review


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1 Why do we have the police? Hypothetically speaking, what would happen if we did not have the police?

2 Is law enforcement the most important aspect of the police role? Why or why not?

3 Why is crime control a potentially controversial responsibility of the police?

4 How can it be argued that the police have an impossible mandate? Beside that it is impossible, why does an impossible mandate represent a problem for the police?

5 Why are many crime control strategies controversial?

6 Why is the goal of crime control difficult to measure accurately?

7 What is deterrence? Why is it difficult for the police to deter criminals?

8 Why is responding to people with mental illness an important responsibility of the police? How should the police best respond to people with mental illness?

9 Many scholars argue that police authority to use force is the defining feature of the police role. Do you agree? Why or why not?

10 Why is a police department not a “one size fits all” entity? According to James Q. Wilson, how do police departments vary in their role orientation?

Police in America

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