Читать книгу Welding For Dummies - Steven Robert Farnsworth - Страница 11

Diving Into the World of Welding



Discovering the main uses for welding

Examining common welding metals

Paying special attention to welding safety

Taking a look at welding methods

Thinking about what’s in store for welding in the future

Ever since our early ancestors starting making ornaments out of gold thousands of years ago, metal has played an important role in the lives of all people. Just take a second to look around and think about all the various kinds of metal that are nearby. Dozens (if not hundreds) of metal items are probably all around you, and the items that aren’t made out of metal were likely manufactured by using metal equipment.

By and large, metal is tough stuff. (That’s one of the reasons why it’s so useful, of course.) Throughout history, humans have needed to come up with more and better ways to defy the strength of metals, bending, cutting, and joining it so they can take advantage of its many useful properties. One of the biggest and most important advancements on that front has been the advent and development of welding. Welding allows humans to connect pieces of metal in remarkably strong, sturdy ways, and it has opened up seemingly endless possibilities for what people can do with metallic materials.

This chapter introduces you to all things welding, including its importance, the materials, equipment, and methods you use to accomplish it, and the need for safety precautions while doing it. In addition, the chapter gives you a glimpse into welding’s crystal ball.

Welding For Dummies

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