Читать книгу Welding For Dummies - Steven Robert Farnsworth - Страница 4
List of Tables
Оглавление1 Chapter 5TABLE 5-1 Welding Helmet Shade Guidelines for Stick Welding
2 Chapter 8TABLE 8-1 Tungsten Electrodes Types and ApplicationsTABLE 8-2 Common Settings for Tig Welding SteelTABLE 8-3 Common Settings for Tig Welding Stainless SteelTABLE 8-4 Common Settings for Tig Welding Aluminum
3 Chapter 9TABLE 9-1 Common Carbon Steel Wire ClassificationsTABLE 9-2 Flux Cored Wire Classification SchemeTABLE 9-3 Choosing Aluminum ElectrodesTABLE 9-4 Stainless Steel MIG Welding Electrode Selection and ChoicesTABLE 9-5 Feed Speed and Voltage Settings for Common Mig Welds
4 Chapter 10TABLE 10-1 Some Shielding Gas Flow Rates for Mild SteelTABLE 10-2 Settings for Mig Welding Steel (Short Circuit Transfer)TABLE 10-3 Settings for Mig Welding Steel (Spray Arc Transfer)TABLE 10-4 Settings for Flux-Cored Arc WeldingTABLE 10-5 Basic Numbers for Vertical All-Position Flux-Cored Arc WeldingTABLE 10-6 Settings for Aluminum MIG WeldingTABLE 10-7 Settings for Stainless Steel MIG Welding
5 Chapter 11TABLE 11-1 Oxyfuel Cutting Tip
6 Chapter 18TABLE 18-1 Metal Color Identification Chart