Читать книгу Coffee Is Not Forever - Stuart McCook - Страница 8




1.1The disease triangle
1.2Coffee monoculture, nineteenth century
1.3Coffee leaf with a few rust lesions, El Salvador
1.4Branch of rust-infected coffee tree, showing dieback, Costa Rica
2.1Coffee branch and berries
2.2Life cycle of the rust fungus
3.1Planters and laborers walking through a coffee estate, Ceylon
3.2The collapse of coffee in Ceylon
4.1Spraying sulfur in a coffee estate, Dutch East Indies
4.2Liberian coffee
5.1Contract workers in a robusta farm, Java, 1912
5.2The robusta boom in Java
8.1“I got rusted!”
8.2Structure of a technified farm
8.3Practice good pruning
8.4Manage shade
8.5Chemical control: copper fungicides beat the rust. “Goooooooal!”
9.1Spraying for the coffee rust in Central America
9.2Biotechnology laboratory for propagating F1 coffees, La Cumplida, Nicaragua
9.3World Coffee Research field trial of F1 coffees
10.1Abandoned coffee farm, Sasaima, Colombia
10.2Healthy coffee farm, Sasaima, Colombia
2.1Distribution of coffee species in the wild
4.1Spread of H. vastatrix in the Indian Ocean basin
6.1Spread of H. vastatrix in East Africa
7.1Coffee areas of the world, in relation to the rust, 1952
8.1Spread of H. vastatrix in South America
8.2Spread of H. vastatrix in Central America
9.1The Big Rust in Latin America
Coffee Is Not Forever

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