Читать книгу Cancer in Animals - What is to be cured? - Sue Armstrong - Страница 4








SECTION ONE: Through the Conventional Lens (The chicken and the egg)

Chapter 1: The conventional (Molecular Level) Understanding of neoplasia – Cancer as a Genetic Disease

Defining the words we use for cancer

The aetiology of neoplasia

The genes involved in neoplasia

Hanahan and Weinberg hallmarks of cancer

Stem cell theory of cancer

Cancer prevention and screening

Cancer diagnostics

Conventional therapeutics

Where homeopathy meets the conventional paradigm

Bibliography and references

Chapter 2: The Role of Inflammation in Cancer

Inflammation and the cancer connection

Plant remedies for cancer and inflammation

The microbiome, inflammation and the connection with the bowel nosodes in cancer management

Mineral remedies used in cancer and inflammation

Other important remedies involved in the cancer and inflammation connection

Final words

Bibliography and references

Chapter 3: Oxygen and its Role in Cancer

Bibliography and references

SECTION TWO: The Homeopathic Perspective (The dynamic nature of disease – before the chicken)

Chapter 4: The Homeopathic Understanding of Cancer from Hahnemann to the 21st Century

Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843)

James Tyler Kent (1849-1916)

Arthur Hill Grimmer (1874-1967)

James Compton Burnett (1840-1901)

Robert Thomas Cooper (1844-1903)

RM Le Hunt Cooper

Donald Foubister (1902-1988)

William Lees Templeton (1898-1978)

Dr AU Ramakrishnan (1942-)

Dr Prasanta Banerji (born 1933)

Bibliography and references

Chapter 5: A Homeopathic Approach to Cancer

1. High-risk patients – no cancer presenting

2. Cases with a pre-cancerous condition

3. Cases with confirmed primary tumour (no conventional intervention)

4. Primary tumour – surgical cases

5. Primary tumour – animal on adjunct therapy

6. Cases with Stage IV cancer – advanced metastatic disease

Bibliography and references

Chapter 6: Organ Remedies, Drainage Theory and Tissue Salts their use in the Management of Cancer Cases

Primary organ disease and organ remedies (organopathy)


Tissue salts (biochemic therapeutics)

Bibliography and references

Chapter 7: Treating the Secondary Features of Cancer

1. Gastrointestinal

2. Haematological disorders

3. Endocrinological changes

4. Cutaneous disorders

5. Renal disorders

6. Neurological and musculoskeletal disorders

7. Miscellaneous disorders

Bibliography and references

Chapter 8: Carcinosinum and Scirrhinum

Carcinosinum: know the nosode


Bibliography and references:

Chapter 9: The Evidence base for the use of Homeopathy in Cancer

Case studies

The mixed modality nature of most veterinary cancer cases

Three cases of multiple primary tumours in dogs – an integrative medicine approach

In vitro studies showing the action of homeopathic medicines on cancer cells

References and list of published papers on different aspects of homeopathy and cancer in both animals and humans

Chapter 10: A Materia Medica for Cancer

Location of the cancer

Bibliography and references


A Brief Introduction to Homeopathy for Beginners

Glossary of Homeopathic Terms

Names and Abbreviations of Homeopathic Remedies

Index of Symptoms

Index of Illness/Conditions

Index of Remedies

About the Author

Cancer in Animals - What is to be cured?

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