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This is the first in a series of books on the homeopathic and integrative approach to veterinary cancer management in animals. Other books in the series will cover nutrition and supplements in cancer management, canine neoplasia, feline neoplasia and equine neoplasia. The species-specific books will cover the major cancer types for each species and will include example case studies throughout.

I have been developing my ideas and current understanding for over 30 years in clinical veterinary practice, treating mostly dogs, cats, horses and also humans as an RSHom. Of all the chronic case manifestations that I have had to deal with on a daily basis, cancer is the one that I have been drawn to because it challenges us all as practitioners on so many levels. Cancer exposes our inadequacies, fears and falsehoods perhaps better than any other disease process and it can be so unforgiving when it does it. No other disease process has had as much money poured into it for research over the decades as the collective of cancer. The history of how this money has been allocated and what the human race has done with the findings of the research has provided us with a beautiful mirror on human nature, greed and politics that has changed little as we evolve.

My initial intention when starting these books was to provide a comprehensive body of work to support the work of veterinary homeopaths. However, the concept of the books has evolved as I have talked to conventional veterinary oncologists and to clients who have experienced the cancer process in their own animals. I hope that the series will provide a source of information to help everyone involved in cancer in animals, or indeed in humans, to see things from a different perspective, and to piece together the different ideologies into a more unified whole.

My nature includes a deep aversion to conflict, which of course has ended up being the challenge of my life, as our deepest fear nearly always does. It has been the saddest aspect of my life’s work that homeopathy has brought me nothing but conflict, most notably in the aggressive attitude towards it held by so many members of my own profession. None of us has all the answers to treating the diseases that afflict humans and other animals, nor do any of us fully understand the purpose of disease and what is truly to be cured. Homeopathy is not a belief system, it is a science, and we ignore it at our peril.

Cancer in Animals - What is to be cured?

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