Читать книгу The Woman's Book of Spirit - Sue Patton Thoele - Страница 22

Finding the Motherhood of God


ALTHOUGH I BELIEVE THAT GOD IS BIGGER than I can ever hope to fathom and embodies both masculine and feminine qualities, I often feel a deep yearning to sit at the feet of an ideal Mother God to be consoled or taught.

It wasn't until my own mother's last illness that I became fully aware of how much I longed for an unconditionally loving female presence. I wanted, both within me and in my spiritual ideology, a guide and plumb line who represented the feminine principles of love, wisdom, and patience. Jolted by the recognition that my most important female influence would soon be unavailable in physical form, I began to pray for and meditate on a feminine aspect of God to whom I could relate.

God responded to my request in beautiful ways. Teachers appeared as I was ready, and the two most important things I learned from them were very simple: Your desire is valid and essential and Trust your images.

As I began to trust my own images, they became clearer and more frequent. Right now, I'm aware of several female beings who comfort and guide me. One in particular, whom I call “The Lady,” appeared as a result of a knocked-to-myknees, end-of-my-rope plea. She is incredibly strong, about seven feet tall, infinitely wise, and impersonally compassionate.

Please understand that I realize that I haven't a clue as to the reality of the mystery of God. The best I can do is love, honor, and serve the images that resonate with my heart at this time. But frankly, I don't think God cares what we call Him/Her/All, as long as we keep in touch.

I trust my images of God.

I ask for the Mother God who is right for me.

The Woman's Book of Spirit

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