Читать книгу The Woman's Book of Spirit - Sue Patton Thoele - Страница 34

Surrendering Head to Heart


FOR CENTURIES THE HEAD HAS RULED THE roost. “I think therefore I am” has been the credo of our left-brain-dominated society, and, as a consequence, the whole world is out of balance. Individually and universally, we need to return to the balance and harmony that can be achieved only by training our heads to surrender to the wisdom and compassion of our hearts.

When I broached this subject to Martha, a client of mine who is a very business-oriented realtor, she paled and said, “Sue, you can't be serious! If I follow my heart I won't be able to survive in this competitive, dog-eat-dog field.” I told her that I didn't think her fears would materialize and, skeptically, she agreed to do the following meditation for about three minutes each morning until I saw her again in two weeks.

At her next appointment, Martha's fears were somewhat quieted. She told me, “Well, I didn't lose any business, but I didn't gain any either! I have noticed a funny thing. I feel less stressed and my clients seem to have gotten nicer.” My bet is that Martha, herself, is sending out a calmer heart frequency that makes her clients feel more comfortable around her. That's not only good for her, but it's also good for business.

You too can benefit from the balance between heart and head. With your eyes closed, breathe deeply into your heart area and feel it accepting and absorbing the life-giving infusion. Imagine that your heart is expanding and that loving energy is flowing from its center like circles on the surface of a pond. With reverence, physically bow your head toward your heart. Even if it feels awkward, silently tell your heart that your head wishes to cooperate with it, surrender to it, and serve it. Ask your heart's inherent wisdom and love to guide you.

My head surrenders to my heart.

My heart is a wise and compassionate guide.

The Woman's Book of Spirit

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