Читать книгу Chakra Journaling Guide - Sunshinegoldenchild . - Страница 4



If you are reading this then you are probably seeking to dive deeper into your personal healing journey.

My passion is writing, expressing my thoughts through the written word, releasing what's inside, so I know about the transformative powers that journaling has. Here I want to share this with you.

The practice of journaling is a powerful tool to self-analyze and self-reflect. Being quiet with your thoughts, confronting suppressed emotions, or being completely honest with yourself can seem overwhelming. We may even find resistance and hesitancy to journaling because of this.

But you know what? This is exactly where the magic happens, they call that „shadow work“ and it creates an opportunity to perform work with the subconscious. Also, our bodies and hearts naturally heal themselves and by giving ourselves time to empty our emotional body, we naturally begin to heal.

It will always bring healing for the throat chakra, our center for self-expression.

Especially if you allow yourself to be completely honest and surrender to the process of unraveling your thoughts and your emotions. And be patient with yourself, even when confronted with a prompt you are struggling to answer, trusting in the process and being authentic are key components to intentionally journaling. When you feel emotions come up allow them to flow through you, don´t try to block them away, this is the whole point.

This here will be a journaling guide on your chakras, where you will learn more about your chakras and find specific journaling prompts to each chakra to dive deeper and learn more.

Chakra Journaling Guide

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