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Thankful Thursday #11

Today I am thankful for the beautiful gift of IMAGINATION!

It gets me a little giddy like a kid thinking about imagination, especially when combined with creativity and ingenuity!

I just love that my girls see a great big ocean to cross, in their minds, and need the paddles and a life raft to cross when my stuffy adult mind only saw a pool!

Do we forget how absolutely incredible God's imagination must be?

First off, THE WORLD! I mean really?

He imagined all this and then created it from nothing!

If you want more proof that God has a wild imagination...look up some of these creatures..the Anglerfish, Yeti Crab, the Superb Bird of Paradise, and the Zebra Duiker just to name a few.

God made them all! All of that was a part of His imagination!!

And then He formed it into being! GENESIS 2:19-20

Imagination is a beautiful blessing...when the heart and the mind come together to wonder at the works of His hand and how incredible and vast His love and creativity is!

Maybe that’s why unless we become like little ones we can’t enter the kingdom of heaven.

Kids have so much of life figured out better than we do, and we need to imagine more the way they do..it can lead to creativity, growth and even joy!


Want actual scripture to back up proof of His imagination? Ok fair enough...go read REVELATION 9!


“Truly I tell you, He said, UNLESS YOU CHANGE AND BECOME LIKE LITTLE CHILDREN, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Take a minute today to just stop, look around, ponder and wonder at the vastness and imagination of God!


Does it make your heart a little lighter, softer, and giddy like it does mine? Stop the stuffiness for a minute and just imagine!

Go have a beautiful day my friends! Know that you are loved and were thought of and imagined before He even created the universe!

One Year of Thankful Thursdays

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