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Thankful Thursday #6

Today I am thankful for the “BLUR AND FADE LENS” that God uses when He looks at me.

Much like this picture where the focus is on the very blossom right in front of you and not the rest that it’s connected to is how God sees

me and you.

It’s so hard to wrap my mind around that so often when I am tempted to think that I am just a big compilation of my history and past.

That’s NOT how God sees us friend!

He looks at us through the lens of His perfect Son who He willingly gave up FOR YOU AND ME!

I have made so many mistakes: some small, some big, and some hurtful. I tend to self loathe and want to crawl out of my own skin at times, BUT GOD.

His vantage point and lens brings me back reminding me He sees me through Jesus and has the strongest blur and fade effect we could hope for!

Today, put away the self doubt, negativity, frustrations, and pain and be reminded that God doesn’t connect you to your past or mistakes when He looks at you.

Our history is part of His Story and that is right and true, and we have it to remind us how far we have come and to mold and shape us.

Be so encouraged today friend that God puts on the Jesus level fade lens when He looks at you!

He doesn’t see a nasty disgusting mess that is unsaveable or beyond repair.

He sees a highly treasured, one-of-a-kind, beautiful human being that He loves and gave up everything for!

SCRIPTURES to prove this lens is accurate!

PSALM 36:1 tells us what happens with our mistakes, "Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, WHOSE SINS ARE COVERED."

ISAIAH 43:25 is a beautiful picture of the blur and fade lens, “I, even I, am He who BLOTS OUT YOUR TRANSGRESSIONS, for my own sake, and REMEMBERS YOUR SINS NO MORE."

ROMANS 8:1 reminds us of this promise, “There is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION for those who are in Christ Jesus.”

Go have a beautiful day knowing that today, right now, God sees you with the Jesus level "fade and blur lens" and you are a beautiful creation highly valued!

One Year of Thankful Thursdays

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