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Norfolk Island Pine (middle-left)

Araucaria excelsa

Bloom time

March and April.


The Norfolk Island Pine is a giant conifer that can reach a height superior to 50 m (55 yd.). At each level, six branches emerge nearly horizontally from the trunk. The quite long distance between the various branch levels produces the picture of a relatively sparse crown.


The Norfolk Island Pine grows in many parks up to an altitude of 600 m (655 yd.); as a decorative specimen tree it often towers above all other plants. It is frequently cultivated next to the Bunya Pine (Araucaria bidwillii); this tree reaches a similar height but is characterized by a rounded off crown (right side of the picture).

Interesting to know:

Initially the genus Araucaria was restricted to the southern hemisphere. Two of its species are native to South America; the remaining 16 species are native to Australia and the South-West Pacific. The Norfolk Island Pine’s natural habitat is Norfolk Island (Pacific Ocean, east of Australia). Today it is cultivated as an ornamental plant in parks in regions with a warm and humid climate. The high demand of wooden masts in times of giant sailing ships helped this species with its very straight growing trunk to spread worldwide.

In the Gardens



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