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In the Gardens

Blue Lawson’s Cypress

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana

Bloom time

April and May.


3-10 m (3-11 yd.) high, the light green conifer is known for growing evenly and conically. Younger specimens develop their needles right above the ground; elder specimens develop a short trunk. The inflorescences are inconspicuous and barely to be noticed. The spherical cones are slightly blue.


The Blue Lawson’s Cypress flourishes in all regions at 600-1300 m (655-1420 yd.) altitude that are the natural habitat of the laurel forest. You will find various specimens both in the parks (e.g. Quinta do Santo da Serra, 196) and along the roadside. Moreover it grows in exotic collections of trees that have been cultivated in projects by forest management services (e.g. lining the road from the Poiso pass to Ribeiro Frio).

Interesting to know:

This attractive conifer is native to North America, mainly to the northwest of the USA. There it grows in big populations and reaches a height up to 50 m (55 yd.). The conical or columnar species of these “false” cypresses are cultivated as ornamental plants in these regions that are not supported by the similar genuine cypresses. False cypresses are more resistant and grow faster. There have been grown more than 100 horticultural cultivars of Blue Lawson’s Cypress.



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