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In the Gardens

Mexican Bread fruit

Monstera deliciosa

Bloom time

From June to September.


Branches of this climber can be more than 10 m (11 yd.) tall and develop numerous aerial roots. The giant leaves are firstly heart-shaped, later they become perforated with holes or pinnately lobed. The cream-coloured spadix is up to 25 cm (10‘‘) long and half cov-ered with a thick, white bract.


In the south of Madeira you will frequently see the Mexican Bread Fruit in various parks and private gardens up to an altitude of 400 m (440 yd.). You can for example encounter it in the Jardim Municipal (198) and in the Botanical Garden (190) in Funchal. It does not only climb along trees but also along walls and fences.

Interesting to know:

The plant is native to Mexico. In summer, the plant develops an edible spadix out of each in-florescence. In Portugal, this fruit is called “fruto delicioso” (delicious fruit) and valued as a deli-cacy. The spadix consists of numerous fleshy, hexagonal cells that mature little by little from the bottom to the top. The taste ranges be-tween a banana and a pineapple. Nevertheless you have to take care: the fruit contains oxalic acid that might cause irritations of the mucous membrances. On the market in Funchal the fruits are offered to the tourist for tidy prices.



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