Читать книгу Madeira - Susanne Lipps - Страница 46


In the Gardens

Fan Aloe

Aloe plicatilis

Bloom time

April and May.


The plant only grows up to 2 m (6,6‘) tall but develops a thick trunk from which emerge numerous branch-es with a crest of long, fleshy, grey-green leaves at the end of each. The leaves are organized in two oppo-site files. The red racemes resemble pointed cones and grow upright on thin stalks.


The Fan Aloe origins from South Africa. In the south of Madeira it is cultivated up to an altitude of 400 m (440 yd.) and decorates both private gar-dens and parks. Some especially beautiful spec-imens are growing in the succulent plants sec-tion in the Botanical Garden (190) of Funchal.

Interesting to know:

The Fan Aloe was already introduced to Europe in the 17th century and since then has been very popular as a container plant. Outdoors it only flourishes all year round in habitats without any frost. Together with Barbados Aloe (85), the Fan Aloe counts among the species from which aloe resin is extracted. The resin is produced by squeezing the sap from the leaves and thickening it. Mixed with sulphuric acid the aloe resin can be employed as dye. Occasionally it is still used as a laxative. For this effect it was indispensable in former times when defeca-tion was the basis of every medical treatment.



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