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Women of color have more professional organizations that provide career support than ever before. These organizations offer educational opportunities, networking events, and project collaboration. Here are a few that currently exist:

 AnitaB.org: Perhaps one of the largest women in technology professional organizations in the world, AnitaB.org (named after famed computer scientist Anita Borg) offers events, podcasts, and mentoring opportunities for all women in technology. It is the organizer of one of the most popular women in tech conferences, the Grace Hopper Conference, and it seeks to have 50/50 male/female representation in tech by 2025.www.anitab.org

 Black in AI: This organization seeks to increase the level of participation of Black people working in or studying artificial intelligence.blackinai.github.io

 International Consortium of Minority Cybersecurity Professionals (ICMCP): ICMCP seeks to address the dual issue of increasing the presence of people of color and women in the cybersecurity field. The organization offers training and mentoring programs, as well as scholarships to study cybersecurity in two-year or four-year colleges.www.icmcp.org

 IT Senior Management Forum (ITSMF): ITSMF's aim is to increase the number of Black professionals in senior technology positions. ITSMF offers the EMERGE Academy, a one-year intensive leadership program to help mold women of color into future technical leaders.www.itsmfonline.org

 Code2040: This nonprofit works to provide educational, social, and economic support to Black and Latinx people to fully participate in this new tech economy. Its Early Career Accelerator Program (ECAP) gives training and mentoring to professionals early in their tech career, while its Fellows program give current computer science students a nine-week immersion experience with a local area tech company.www.code2040.org

 CompTIA's Advancing Diversity in Tech and Advancing Women in Tech Communities: Both virtual communities aim to narrow the gap of the representation of women and people of color in tech. Members can access educational resources and attend local area networking/educational events.www.comptia.org

This is not a comprehensive list of all the resources out there—there are many, many more. This is rather to point out that numerous communities exist for you to find help, guidance, and support when and where you need it.

Women of Color in Tech

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