Читать книгу Women of Color in Tech - Susanne Tedrick - Страница 2


Table of Contents




CHAPTER 1: The Current State of Women of Color in Tech The Realities What's Going On? Why You Should Be Here Tech Career Misconceptions Creating a Blueprint Summary

CHAPTER 2: The Different Flavors of Tech Careers Business Analysis Consulting Computer Networking Data Science Information Security Product Management Project Management Software Development and Engineering Technical Sales Technical Support User Experience Design Web Design Where Do You Fit In? Summary Note

CHAPTER 3: Industry and Other Options Advertising and Marketing Civics and Public Interest Construction and Manufacturing Education Finance Healthcare The US Government On Your Own: Entrepreneurism Summary

CHAPTER 4: Emerging Technologies What Is an Emerging Technology? The Future of Work Artificial Intelligence Augmented, Virtual, and Mixed Reality Blockchain Cloud Computing Internet of Things 3D Printing Keeping Up with Technology Trends Summary

CHAPTER 5: Building Your Network The Importance of Building Your Network Where to Network Mentoring Overcoming Social Anxiety Strengthening Your Connections Summary

CHAPTER 6: Building Your Skills Skills Gap Analysis: Where Do You Need to Be? Formal Education (Is It Worth It?) Trade Schools Massive Online Open Courses Boot Camps Hackathons Conferences and Seminars Internships, Externships, and Co-ops Volunteering Certifications How to Pay for Skills Training Summary

10  CHAPTER 7: Demonstrating Your Skills Building Your Resume(s) LinkedIn Writing Public Speaking Other Creative Ways to Show What You Know Building Your Interviewing Skills Becoming a Better Interviewee Summary

11  CHAPTER 8: Job Offers and Negotiating Compensation A Cautionary Tale (or, Don't Do This!) Understanding Compensation and Salary The Job Offer Process Evaluating a Job Offer Why Negotiate Your Job Offer? Preparing to Negotiate Negotiation Dos and Don'ts You Didn't Negotiate! Is It Too Late? Additional Resources Final Thoughts—It's Okay to Want (and Ask for) Money Summary Note

12  CHAPTER 9: When Times Get Tough The Need for Grit The Problem with “Twice as Good” Failure Impostor Syndrome Bias Tokenism and Being “The Only” Bullying Lack of Support and Help The Importance of Mental Health Allies and When They Fall Short Summary Note

13  CHAPTER 10: The Importance and Joy of Giving Back Why Give Back How to Give Back Summary

14  Index

15  End User License Agreement

List of Tables

1 Chapter 1Table 1.1: Diversity Challenge by CohortTable 1.2: Projected Growth of Selected Technology JobsTable 1.3: Median Salaries of Selected Technology Careers

2 Chapter 4Table 4.1: Examples of AI in Common UseTable 4.2: Comparison of Cloud Computing Service ModelsTable 4.3: Examples of IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS Providers

3 Chapter 7Table 7.1: Examples of Action VerbsTable 7.2: Overused Words and Phrases, per LinkedIn, Careerbuilder, and Indeed

4 Chapter 8Table 8.1: Average US Household Costs

List of Illustrations

1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1: Percentage of computing occupations held by women 2003–2017

2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1: Example of a use-case diagramFigure 2.2: The triad constraints

3 Chapter 4Figure 4.1: Smart speaker from LGFigure 4.2: Japanese company Line's take on the smart speakerFigure 4.3: Having fun in a virtual worldFigure 4.4: Example of a blockchain network. The dots signify each participant...Figure 4.5: Devices accessing the cloudFigure 4.6: Example of a smart watchFigure 4.7: Examples of 3D printersFigure 4.8: The T-shaped professional

4 Chapter 7Figure 7.1: Chronological resume exampleFigure 7.2: Functional resume exampleFigure 7.3: Combination resume exampleFigure 7.4: Example of a LinkedIn ProfileFigure 7.5: Example Github profileFigure 7.6: Example personal website

5 Chapter 10Figure 10.1: Leading students through a resume workshopFigure 10.2: Words of encouragement from my mentee



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Women of Color in Tech

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