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In order to stop the chain of negative events, there has to be an acknowledgment. In order to find an answer, a question has to be made. Its best to write the answers right here, they will help to see the reality objectively, in other words, what has to be processed. In this way, we are running diagnostics of our own life. Stop and ask yourself:

Why do these events happen to me?

What do they teach me?

Which part of my character they trigger?

What does life want to teach me?

What do I want from life?

When we keep asking questions, our brilliant mind starts to provide us the answers, which means we become conscious of the happenings. We become aware of our life and try to understand it. Our findings are extremely important. At the first stage, we begin to see what’s bothering us in life. This may be an old outdated installation or a memory from the past. It is much easier to correct the situation when there is knowledge of what needs to be fixed. For example, “I am angry at my weakness”, and then we change this statement to what we want to see in our life: “I am a strong person”. Thus, we involve the organs of the motoric, and our brain receives a new command. The expression “I have no luck in life” can be replaced by “The universe cares about me”.

The possibilities for creativity are endless and it resembles a game. The idea behind this is to reprogram the old mechanisms or cliches of behavior that are preventing life. Therefore, each identified moment of behavior, or a thought or emotion behind it, helps our understanding and makes the changes of what we want to see in our life. In religious stories, messengers of God went to the desert or to the mountains and spent time in meditation and in order to know oneself; nowadays, most people do not have such luxury. We live in high-speed mode and sometimes do not pay attention to our own needs.

The heart of a person is the channel of his soul, his higher self, or his divine manifestation. Many people call it by different names, but the essence doesn’t change because of that. To clarify things, let’s imagine a negative chain of events as energy. Everything in our world is energy. For example once a person is angry at the gloomy weather everyday, or at the red light of the traffic light, or the loss in the lottery, a person increases the storage of this particular energy. Thus, throughout life, negative energy surrounds this person and prevents other energy from reaching him. Imagine a jar filled with stones and suddenly we want to put a beautiful thing there. There is no space; stones of negative emotions occupy it. Forgiveness cleans and frees this jar of stones. Just by taking out the stones it turns out that the world is different from what we used to see around us before. A new flow of energy starts to inspire a person and he is given a chance to change his life.

We are responsible for all our emotions and feelings. We ourselves consciously choose the kind of life we want when we begin to live mindfully and not blame anyone anymore for what happens to us. Taking responsibility for your life is a necessary and an important step on the path to happiness and abundance.

Usually similar situations are repeated if a person does not understand and solve the problem from the first time. The Universe makes it possible to learn a lesson by repeating it until it’s passed.

If the problem is faced by resistance and not understanding the situation turns into a critical one as its magnified with the help of the magnifying glass in order to see things better. Ask your heart and the answer will come. Don’t be shy to also ask for help. Human free will is respected in the Universe inexorably. By asking for help, we give the permission to the Universe to help us – to send us the right thought, a person, a situation or a book thus allowing us to understand and correct the situation. The most important for the soul of the person is to learn the lesson in life and to gain essential feelings and skills.

The secret of happiness. Fairy tale advent of a successful woman, mother and a grandmother

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