Читать книгу Building Information Modeling For Dummies - Swaddle Paul - Страница 10

Part I
Getting Started with Building Information Modeling
Chapter 1
Defining Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Encouraging BIM in Your Workplace


The amount of software and industry documentation you throw at an office doesn’t matter, because so much of BIM implementation is about changing real-world processes and engaging individuals, with their various concerns, agendas, and opinions. How do you go about integrating BIM into real teams with real people?

People are the pulse of BIM, and you need to understand that the same BIM and the outputs it can generate are going to be used by different (and new) roles in the industry, at different times and in very different ways.

You can encourage people to embrace BIM by

Leading by example: Be a BIM champion and lead by example with your commitment and enthusiasm.

Showing support: Give support and encouragement by identifying and providing any training needs.

Communicating: Deploy simple but clear messages about why and how you’re implementing BIM.

Providing feedback: Listen to other staff members and provide any reassurances that they may need around fear of change and the unknown.

There are various processes to BIM and many potential users involved. In more detail, Chapter 12 looks at encouraging BIM processes, and Chapter 17 focuses on BIM users and roles from inception to demolition (and beyond).

Our experience with BIM

We co-authored this book because we all have varied experience, from large contractors to small architectural practices. We’ve seen everything from the genesis of BIM for landscape to the development of ground-breaking software and documentation, including the various protocols and standards that the industry needs to communicate better, to evolve new methods, and to increase innovation.

BIM will continue to impact all areas of construction design, build, finance, management, and operation, and the relationships between all the parties involved in a project, both cooperatively and contractually. We think everyone can work together in more collaborative ways, toward a creative tomorrow that makes the most of diverse groups of people. Digital cooperation and access to information isn’t just the heart of BIM; it’s the heart of a connected, global society.

So are you ready? We want to make sure that you don’t miss the BIM boat!

Building Information Modeling For Dummies

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