Читать книгу Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda - Swami Paramananda - Страница 38



Salient Thought for the Day.

To convey our Ideal, it must first mingle with the life.

Lines to Memorize.

Alas, thy mortal mind holds thee captive by blinding thy sight

Break its distorting spell, and wake!

Awake and seek!

Look within and move within.

There thou shalt find thy true estate.


The outer life is an exact reproduction of the inner. The spiritual life plays a tremendous part in the world. We may be attracted by a flower and long to keep it always; but we cannot possess it if we sever it from its root. In the same way, we cannot be truly living, if our consciousness is cut off from its Source.


Let me offer up my heart with feeling of sacred consecration.

Let me give my life with humility and selfless devotion.

May all my thoughts, words and actions be dedicated unto Him from whom we are descended.

Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda

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