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Chapter 3


Stephanie’s eyes locked with Jack’s from across the room. She blinked several times to make sure she wasn’t imagining him. She knew he was due back in town today, but here, at a private party, was the last place she expected to see him. She had left work early to avoid seeing him and here he was.

How appropriate that he should come to the party dressed as a pirate. It was definitely in character for him. Their eyes held as he made his way over to her. Stephanie turned and fled out the patio door.

Jack followed, as she knew he would. She waited until he closed the door behind him, before she pounced on him. “What are you doing here? When did you get back?”

“I got back today midday. I dropped by your office, but you were already gone. I’ll be going back in a couple of weeks to follow up with the manager. I put some new procedures in place and I want to make sure they are followed. To answer your other question, I’m here because you’re here.”

“What did you do, make a copy of my day planner?” she joked. He smiled wolfishly. “You did, didn’t you?” She poked him in the chest with her finger. “You are spying on me. You have me under surveillance.”

“Do you mind?” He caught her hand in his. Stephanie jerked her hand away. “You have an overactive imagination, my Indian princess.” His words belied his expression.

“No, I don’t.” She faced him squarely. This was no coincidence. He knew she would be at the party. He admitted as much. “Don’t try and tell me this is another coincidence. You’re stalking me? Why? What do you want? What am I missing, Jack?”

“I’m not stalking you,” he said, advancing on her. His arm looped around her waist and he pulled her flush against him. “Believe me, if I were stalking you, you’d never know it.”

She was mesmerized as she followed the descent of his mouth. The heat from his breath fanned her cheeks. His mouth had barely touched hers and she was melting in his arms. She swayed against him and her body brushed invitingly against his. The patio doors opened. The spell was broken and she extricated herself from his arms quickly. He caught her arm to stop her from fleeing. “You can run, but you can’t hide from your feelings. There is something between us, Stef. I feel it and you feel it and it’s got you running scared. Believe it or not, it scares me too. So, did you miss me?”

“Now who has the overactive imagination? Your ego knows no bounds, Mr. Kaufman. I feel nothing for you. You are not my type. You are not even in the ballpark. And no, I didn’t miss you. I’m not into big scary men who carry even bigger guns.”

“As close as you were to me moments ago, I can guarantee you it wasn’t a gun you felt against you.” Heat suffused her face. “You are as into me as I am into you. Care to put it to the test, Miss Mason? I do so love a challenge. Type has nothing to do with physical attraction. Normally, you’re not my type either. You are way too high maintenance for my taste. I can see the ice princess starting to thaw.” He stroked her cheek. “The kiss we shared proved the fire is there beneath the ice.” He took a step closer and she stood her ground. “You don’t need me to tell you what happens when fire and ice come together.”

Stephanie was determined not to back down. She would not let him intimidate her. They stared at each other in silent combat.

“There you are,” said Stanley, staring from Stephanie to Jack. He frowned when he saw Jack’s hand on her arm. Stephanie moved out of his reach and his hand fell away. She took the drink Stanley offered her and took a step away from both men.

“We haven’t met. I’m Stanley Jordan, Stephanie’s boyfriend.” Stanley didn’t hold out his hand, nor did Jack extend his.

Jack simply raised his eyebrows in a question and Stephanie blushed. “I’m Jack Kaufman. I’m the new security consultant for Luciano Hotels.”

Stanley’s frown deepened. “You work for Stephanie. Funny, she hasn’t mentioned you before.”

“I’m not surprised. Don’t take offense, Stanley, but she hasn’t mentioned you either. I guess we both must have slipped her mind. She’s under a lot of pressure running a hotel chain. I think she needs a vacation. Why don’t you take her somewhere special for a couple of days? Some place warm so she can thaw, I mean chill out. Would you two lovebirds excuse me? I promised a dance to Lady Godiva inside. It was nice meeting you, Stanley. I’m sure I’ll see you around.” He winked at Stephanie. “Save me a dance later, Princess.”

Stanley watched Stephanie as she watched Jack walk away. Folding her arms over her chest, she turned back around to face Stanley. She didn’t like the look on his face.

“Did I interrupt something? You two seemed pretty intense when I walked up. He was touching you. Why?”

“It’s not a big deal.” She took a sip of her drink, glad for the distraction. “Jack makes a habit of being irritating.”

“Then fire him,” Stanley demanded. “I don’t like him. I don’t like the way he looks at you and I don’t like the way you were looking at him.”

Stephanie bristled in indignation. “I’m not going to fire Jack because you feel threatened by him. I need him.” Stanley’s eyebrows rose in question. Stephanie flushed. “What I meant was the hotel needs him. Luciano’s needs his expertise,” she corrected. “Do you know how long I ran that ad before the right man walked into my office?”

Stanley folded his arms over his chest and shook his head. He stared at her over the rim of his wire-frame glasses. “So now he’s Mr. Right?”

“That is definitely not what I said. Jack Kaufman is as far from Mr. Right as you can get. Stanley, drop it. He’s an employee, nothing more.” The lie didn’t even sound convincing to her ears. Stephanie threw her hands in the air. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore. This is a party. Let’s go have fun. You do know how to have fun, don’t you?” She went back inside, leaving him no choice but to follow her. Her heart missed a beat when she saw Jack dancing with Lady Godiva. She felt more than a twinge of envy at seeing the other woman in his arms.

Stanley was glued to her side for the next half hour. When some business associates finally dragged him away, Stephanie was relieved and thrilled. She felt like a weight was lifted from her shoulders.

Her eyes scanned the room looking for Jack. I must be insane. Why am I looking for trouble? Why am I playing with fire?

“Would you like to dance?”

She tensed at the sound of that husky voice so close to her ear.

“I dare you.”

As she turned around to face him, her eyes met his. “Let’s add fuel to the fire, Stef.”

“There is no fire. There is barely a flicker of a flame.” His look told her he clearly didn’t believe her. “Enough with the fire and ice references. If I dance one dance with you, will you go away?”

“If that’s the way you want it. Who knows, maybe one dance will put out the fire, but then again, maybe not. You may just melt in my arms.” He held out his hand to her.

“One dance.” Stephanie caught his hand and trembled at the contact. She was powerless to stop him as he threaded his fingers with hers and led her to the dance floor. As his arm went around her, she knew she had made a mistake.

So much for keeping him at arm’s length! I’m drowning. I need a life preserver to stay afloat.

Being this close to Jack was disturbing. He made her feel things she had never felt before. He awakened her body and her senses. She felt truly alive and reckless whenever she was with him.

His cologne was as intoxicating as the man himself. Her hand rested easily against the small of his back. They moved beautifully together to the sound of the music.

Jack was as affected as she was. Stephanie felt too damn good in his arms. His arm tightened around her waist and he held her close. He was in heaven and hell as her firm breasts pressed slightly against his chest. He had mentally undressed her with his eyes a thousand times and right now was no different. He wanted to take her out of the party and back to his room.

“Jack,” whispered Stephanie, “the music stopped.” His fiery eyes held hers. Stephanie was as dazed as he was. His eyes were molten lava, searing her flesh.

Bringing her hand to his lips, he kissed it. He felt her tremble beneath his mouth and smiled. Jack regrettably released her and took a step back.

“Thank you for the dance. It was everything I knew it would be. Don’t waste all that fire and passion on a man like Stanley. He can’t appreciate it. I can.” He bowed slightly and then walked away.

A short time later, Stanley took the microphone and walked to the middle of the room. Stephanie felt a cold sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. She was praying he was not about to do what she knew he was about to do.

Please don’t say it. God, please don’t let him ask me to marry him in front of all these people. No, Stanley. Don’t do it.

He held out his hand to her and on wooden legs, she moved forward to take his hand. Her heart almost stopped when he dropped down to one knee and took a small box out of his suit coat. He opened the box and took out the ring. She stared in appreciation at the size of the ring.

“Stephanie Mason, will you marry me?”

Stephanie was immobilized with fear. No! She didn’t really want to say yes, but she didn’t want to embarrass him either. She heard someone choking and if she didn’t know any better, she would have sworn it was Jack. Stephanie wanted the room to open up and swallow her. This was not what she wanted.

Before Jack Kaufman walked into her life, she could have been content with Stanley. Now the thought of spending the rest of her life with a man she didn’t want to sleep with was not even an option.

“Stephanie, will you marry me,” he nervously repeated. Stanley and the crowd waited expectantly for her answer.

Stephanie couldn’t bring herself to embarrass him by saying no in front of everyone. “Yes,” she said so softly only he heard her. Smiling brightly, he took the ring and placed it on her finger. She forced a smile when he came to his feet and kissed her in front of their audience.

The kiss left her unsatisfied and unfulfilled. She couldn’t help comparing it to the passionate kiss she had shared with Jack. There was no spark between her and Stanley. The kiss was wet and unfulfilling.

As everyone moved in to congratulate them, Stephanie felt as if she were suffocating. She needed air. The ring felt as if it weighed ten pounds. She had to get out of there, and fast.

Her eyes peered around the room until they found Jack. His eyes were smirking as he raised his drink in salute. He made his way through the crowd.

She exited the side door for air. Breathing in deeply helped to calm her nerves. She felt Jack’s presence behind her. “Did you come to congratulate me?”

“No, I came to ask you, what the hell were you thinking?” he snapped. He caught her elbow and turned her around to face him. “Why did you accept his proposal? And please don’t insult my intelligence by telling me you love him. Clearly you don’t. Hell, you didn’t even look like you were enjoying him kissing you. The kiss we shared was real. That was a performance and a lousy one at that.”

“I don’t have to explain anything to you,” she bristled, shaking off his hand. “I couldn’t embarrass him in front of all those people. They are his friends.”

“It sure as hell beats the alternative. Can you see yourself married to that cardboard cutout of a man? He’d bore you to death inside a week, maybe less.” He held up her hand. “This is some rock. It must have set him back a pretty penny.” He examined the ring closer. “The stone is a good quality. He shouldn’t have any trouble returning it when you give it back to him.”

“And who says I’m going to give it back? It’s a beautiful ring.” She jerked her hand from his.

“Common sense says you’re giving it back if you have any. He is clearly not the man for you.”

“And you are?” she asked incredulously.

“I didn’t say that,” he hedged.

“I didn’t think so. At least I know he’ll be around tomorrow and not off somewhere pillaging the countryside and ravishing maidens.”

“My pillaging days are over and as for ravishing maidens, you are the only woman I want to ravish.” His dark eyes raked over her, stripping her naked in a glance and making her blush. “As for that wimp, he’ll be around because when he looks at you he sees dollar signs. You could be standing in front of him naked and he would still be trying to balance your bank account.”

“Show me a man in this room who doesn’t see money when he looks at me and I’ll marry him. Men generally marry for two reasons, obligation or money. Since I’m not pregnant, I guess that leaves money.”

“You forgot sex.”

She flushed under his heated gaze.

“That’s the third reason men marry. If I married you, it would definitely be for sex.”

“I should slap your face for that.”

“Try it and I will kiss you until you swoon. That should give everyone here something to talk about. Straitlaced balls-to-the-wall Stephanie Mason accepted dull, fortune-hunting Stanley’s marriage proposal less than ten minutes ago and already she’s bored. She’s out on the patio making out with the hired help. Let’s see how good you are at faking happiness, Stef. Pretend for the rest of the night you are on top of the world. Pretend Stanley is everything you have always wanted in a man. Even you aren’t that good an actress.”

“Haven’t you heard, Jack? Women can fake anything,” she fired back, pivoting to leave.

His hand on her arm stopped her from leaving. His touch sent a jolt through her. “Is that what you do in his bed? Is that how you get through the night?”

Her face turned bright red. “Whether or not I’m in his bed is none of your business,” she hissed.

“I guess that answers that question. If you were with the right man, you wouldn’t have to fake it.”

“I hope you are not considering yourself Mr. Right,” she shot back. Glaring at him, she jerked her arm away and left him staring after her.

You never know, Stef. We are not finished by a long shot. Stanley Jordan is a nonissue. He’s an obstacle easily removed. As for me being Mr. Right, I can guarantee you that’s something I’ve never been called.

Jack was walking to his car when he heard someone calling his name. He turned around in surprise to see Stanley heading his way. He slowed his pace, but didn’t stop.

He knew this confrontation was bound to take place sooner or later. Stanley would have to be blind not to miss the sparks flying between him and Stephanie.

“Hold up a minute, Kaufman. I think we need to talk.” Stanley had to almost run to keep up with Jack’s long, sure stride.

Jack stopped and waited for the other man to catch up with him. “I can’t imagine what we would have to talk about,” he said coyly. “Do you need some security consulting at your firm? I can recommend someone, but I’m under contract with Luciano’s and I don’t moonlight.”

“No, I don’t need a security consultant. What I need is for you to back off. I saw the way you were looking at Stephanie and I don’t like it. Stephanie Mason is mine,” he said, getting straight to the point.

“So it would seem, but I wouldn’t bank on it if I were you. It was pretty ingenious of you to propose to her in a roomful of people you both know. Stephanie is too much of a lady to embarrass you by saying no in front of your friends, but there’s always tomorrow. I’m sure she’ll come to her senses by then and realize what a mistake she would be making in settling for someone she doesn’t really love or want.”

“You know nothing about our relationship. I’ll have you fired if you try to interfere.” Stanley threatened, bristling at Jack’s audacity.

“You’re welcome to try, but I have a contract. I’ll be around long after you’re gone. My guess is you’ll be gone by tomorrow. Good night,” said Jack, turning to walk away.

“A good lawyer will rip that contract and you to shreds. Contracts are broken every day.”

“So are engagements. Go enjoy your celebration while you can, Stanley. It’ll be the shortest engagement in history. You will never get your hands on Stephanie or the Luciano fortune. She’s much too smart to marry you.”

“I’ll take that bet, Mr. Kaufman, and raise you a million. Stephanie will marry me and you will be left out in the cold.”

“I guess the first one of us down the aisle with Stephanie Mason wins the lottery. Stephanie is smart enough to know what you’re after. With me, it’ll be a surprise. No one will see it coming.”

“You have no idea who you are messing with. I have friends in low places. They could make you vanish without a trace,” he threatened.

Jack laughed at Stanley’s attempt at intimidating him. Catching him by the collar, he shoved him against his car. “Don’t ever threaten me again or you won’t like the consequences,” he warned. “I wouldn’t need to call anyone to make you disappear, Stanley. I’ve been in low places. I would do it myself, with pleasure.” Jack released the other man and took a step back. Stanley took a swing at him and he ducked. “I was hoping you’d do something stupid like that.” Jack decked him before he saw it coming. Stanley fell back against the car and then slid to the ground with one punch. What a wimp. I only hit him once. I sure as hell hope Stephanie can defend herself, because you sure can’t defend her.

Hefting Stanley over his shoulder, he carried him to the lawn and dumped him just as the water sprinklers turned on. Jack was walking to his car when Stanley started to wake up. He drove out of the driveway and waited on the street for Stanley.

Mr. Jordan, you have no idea who you are tangling with, but welcome to my world. Let me show you how things are done.

Everyone stared and pointed at wet Stanley as he struggled to get to his feet. He dripped his way to the front door. He asked someone to go inside to get Stephanie while he waited outside and tried to wring some of the water from his outfit.

She was bewildered as she made her way to the door. She slipped outside, eyeing his wet clothes with a frown. “What happened to you?” she asked, noting his black eye. She had a sneaking suspicion she already knew the answer. Stephanie had seen him leave the house immediately after Jack left, and prayed he didn’t confront him. His next words confirmed her suspicions.

“I want you to fire that man immediately,” blustered Stanley, wringing water from his shirt. “That mongrel attacked me for no reason. I should have him arrested for assault. Look at my suit. I’m definitely sending him the dry-cleaning bill. What is everyone staring at? It’s not like they haven’t seen a man wet before.”

“I’m looking at your eye,” said Stephanie, hiding a smile. “It’s turning black already. Sending him the bill will really show him who is the bigger man. I can’t fire Jack. He has a contract. What happened out here? What did you say to him? He doesn’t rattle easily.”

“You should be more concerned about what he said to me. He’s after you, Stephanie. That fortune-hunting bastard is after your money. He admitted as much.”

If that’s not the pot calling the kettle black! I’m not stupid, Stanley. I know what you’re after and you will never get your hands on Christina’s inheritance.

“I have no interest in Jack Kaufman. You shouldn’t have provoked him. He’s not someone to mess with, Stanley. You started this. I saw you follow him outside.”

“I just wanted to talk to him. I saw the way he was leering at you. I was defending your honor.”

“Stanley, there’s nothing to defend. Jack has been a perfect gentleman.” The lie slipped easily from her lips. “Leave the man alone. The party is over. Let’s go. I think you need to get out of those wet clothes before you catch a chill. Can you drop me home? I have to get up early tomorrow.” She got in the car and waited for him.

“Stephanie, we just got engaged. Aren’t you coming home with me? We could have a real celebration.” His hand slid to her thigh.

“Stanley, you know the rule.” She picked up his hand and placed it on the seat beside him. “I don’t believe in premarital sex.”

“But we’re engaged,” he whined. “Can’t we just once?”

She shook her head and turned her face away from him. She had milked this excuse for all it was worth. Her feelings on premarital sex had nothing to do with her reasons for sleeping with him. Simply put, she didn’t want him in that way.

“You win,” snapped Stanley, putting the car in gear. “I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”

Jack watched the guests leave and waited patiently for Stanley and Stephanie. He followed Stanley from Stephanie’s house. He was puzzled when instead of heading home to change, Stanley drove to a popular area frequented by prostitutes.

Hello. So, what do we have here? Stef, you are falling down on your job by not pleasing your man.

He parked a short distance and watched as two young hookers got into the car with Stanley. Smiling, Jack took several photos of them getting into the car. He followed as Stanley turned into a seedy motel a short distance from where he picked up the girls. He handed one of the girls some cash and she went inside to get a room key. Holding up the key, she got back into the car and he drove to the back of the motel. Jack zoomed in on them getting out of the car and going into the room.

Jack was still smiling an hour later, when he looked over the developed photos. Stanley Jordan was now out of the picture, he was sure of it.

Stephanie’s mother hit the roof when she saw the engagement ring. She begged and pleaded with her daughter to reconsider. The more she was against the idea, the more Stephanie stuck by her decision to marry Stanley. After all, she could do a lot worse.

Christina took the news even worse than her mother. She didn’t like Stanley and didn’t want her mother to marry him. She cried in her room for hours.

The weekend at the Mason household was one of anger, confusion, and frustration. Ashley laughed when Stephanie told her about the engagement. She wanted to know what she was drinking the night she accepted. She told Stephanie, Stanley would bore her to death in less than a week.

By Monday, Stephanie decided to give the ring back to Stanley. She knew she couldn’t marry a man she didn’t love or want physically. They were having dinner tonight and she would give the ring back to him and break the news to him as gently as possible.

Stephanie was having lunch in the hotel restaurant when Jack yanked out a chair and sat down across from her. She ignored him, hoping he would eventually go away.

“Today is Monday and you are still wearing his ring. I guess that makes it official, either that or he avoided you yesterday and you couldn’t give it back to him.”

“It is official. I am marrying Stanley. Did you want something in particular or just to ruin my appetite?” she asked sweetly.

“You say the sweetest things. Talk like that could turn my head. I wanted three things actually. You left your computer on again when you left your unlocked office. I resisted the urge to lock you out again. Second, I’m teaching a self-defense class Thursday in meeting room 102, encourage everyone to attend. I’ll send you an e-mail with all the specifics.”

“You said three things.” She laid down her fork and folded her hands on the table in front of her.

“Here’s an early birthday present for you.” He took the envelope of pictures out of his jacket pocket and dropped them on the table in front of her. “Pictures from the after party Saturday night. It looks like you missed all the fun.” He picked up the fork in front of her. “This looks wonderful. Are you going to eat that?” he asked, pointing to the succulent shrimp basted in a warm butter sauce.

“Be my guest.” Against her will, she followed the shrimp to his mouth. He moaned in appreciation and waved the waiter over.

“I’ll have whatever this is and a Coke. Thank you.” He waited until the waiter was out of earshot. “That’s where he went when he left your place on Saturday night. Stef, you’re not pleasing your man.”

Stephanie picked up the envelope and took out the pictures. She was shocked at the first one. There were two half-dressed women all over Stanley. One was wearing a tank top and short shorts; the other one was clad in a red minidress. His arms were around both women and his hands on each of their breasts.

There was little doubt in her mind what profession the women were in. It was apparent in their dress. They were prostitutes. Stanley was with two hookers. She should care, but she didn’t. She dropped the photos back on the table.

“You followed us.” She was amazed at his audacity. “You followed him. Why? What was the point?”

“Of course I followed him. I was curious to see if you would sleep with him in celebration of your engagement.”

Stephanie choked on her water. After a fit of coughing, she was able to catch her breath. She picked up her napkin and dried her eyes.

“Have you ever slept with him?” She refused to answer or to meet his eyes. “I take that as a no. I can understand his need for looking elsewhere for pleasure, but he could have been a little more discriminating. These two aren’t exactly high-dollar working girls.”

“And you know this how?” she shot back. “Don’t answer that. I don’t want to know. It’s none of my business.”

He merely smiled. “Stanley and two women, go figure. I never would have guessed he could please one. Maybe he just watched them. What do you think? Is he any good in bed?”

“I think this is none of your business.” She coughed. “So he paid for sex. Big deal. He’s not the first man to pay for pleasure and he won’t be the last. Have you ever paid for pleasure?”

“I’ve never had to pay. Although I do remember a few times they offered to pay me.” He winked. Jack reached across the table and ran his fingers over her hand. Stephanie snatched her hand away. “Let me see if I’ve got this straight. You don’t care for his kisses. You don’t want to sleep with him yourself and you couldn’t care less that he sleeps with prostitutes. Therefore, what is it you don’t like, Stef, sex or men? Did I miss something? Are you a closet lesbian?”

Stephanie gave it no thought as she picked up her glass of water and threw it in his face. Furiously she got to her feet and stalked away.

I guess not. Jack picked up his napkin and dried his face. Maybe I pushed her a little too hard this time.

Stephanie was furious with Jack as she left the hotel. She didn’t know why she bothered having a conversation with him unless it was in regards to business. The man had a one-track mind and he was driving her nuts.

It angered her that he was right on target about her relationship with Stanley. She knew it wasn’t the real thing and she knew it was a matter of time before she broke things off with him. She just hated the fact Jack could read her so well.

She dialed Stanley’s office on her way over. She wanted to catch him off guard. She needed to surprise him, so he would be available to see her. It was time to end their engagement as soon as possible. She also knew Stanley was more motivated by money than love. He didn’t love her any more than she loved him.

“Tami, it’s Stephanie Mason. Is Stanley in?”

“Just a moment, Miss Mason.”

“Hi, honey,” said Stanley brightly. “Are we still on for dinner tonight?”

“Actually,” said Stephanie, getting on the elevator to go up to his office, “I’m in your building. Do you have a few minutes to spare?”

“For you, anything.”

“Great. I’m right outside your door now.” She hung up her phone and dropped it in her purse. She took a deep breath for courage before the door opened.

“What a pleasant surprise.” He held the door open for her. Stanley moved forward to kiss her, but she stopped him. She stepped inside and he closed the door behind them. Stephanie held the ring in her fist. Catching his hand, she dropped the ring in his palm.

“I think this belongs to you.”

He stared at the ring and then at her.

“I can’t marry you, Stanley. I don’t love you and I don’t think you love me either.”

“Honey, I do love you. I’ve loved you for years. I thought you felt the same way. We are perfectly suited for each other. What happened between Saturday night and today to change your mind?”

“Saturday night you took unfair advantage of me. You knew or were hoping I wouldn’t turn you down in front of everyone. We both deserve more. We deserve someone who is going to love us with all their heart. Our soul mates are out there, Stanley. We just have to wait a little longer to find them.”

His expression changed as he watched her. “It’s because of him.” They both knew what him he was referring to.

Stephanie flushed and broke eye contact momentarily with them.

“What did he say to turn you against me? I have a right to know.”

“Jack didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to. I wouldn’t have married you, Stanley. This is not about Jack or anyone else. This is about us.” She handed him the packet of pictures. “I think these speak for themselves.” She watched him blanch as he looked at the photos.

Quickly sticking them back in the envelope, he put them in his desk and then looked up at Stephanie. “Who took these? I can explain. It’s not what it looks like.”

“There’s no need to explain anything. Stanley, I’m not judging you or what you did. I understand men need sex. This doesn’t even bother me and it should. It would if I loved you.”

“If you would sleep with me, I wouldn’t need hookers. This is what you pushed me to. This is partially your fault.”

“My fault,” she laughed without humor. “How is this my fault? I didn’t force you into bed with them. If you wanted sex so badly why didn’t you just sleep with Gloria? She’s been after you for months. You could have kept your money. Her father has plenty.”

“That empty-headed little twit. I’d have to gag her first. She talks nonstop. She’d talk all the way through it.” He waved the question away with a sweep of his hand. “He did this, didn’t he, your new security man? He followed me from the party. He followed us. Don’t you find it a bit unsettling that he’s stalking you? He’s monitoring your movements.”

“Jack is not stalking me. Stanley, it really doesn’t matter who took them. I wouldn’t have married you anyway. I was giving the ring back to you at dinner tonight. I can’t marry you. I’m sorry.” Stephanie would neither admit nor deny his accusation about Jack. For his own safety, she didn’t want him to tangle with Jack. She knew he would lose if he did.

“He’s the one who’s going to be sorry,” he threatened. “I’ll make him pay for this. Someday and some way, he will pay for interfering in my life.”

“A word of warning, you really don’t want to mess with someone like Jack Kaufman. It could be very hazardous to your health. He’s a dangerous man, Stanley. For your sake, steer clear of him.”

Take Me Down

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