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He even looked dangerous sleeping, dangerous, yet oh so sexy. Stephanie had been fighting her attraction to him since the day he walked into her office. She could no longer deny it. She wanted Jack.

She no longer kidded herself about their relationship remaining professional only. She and Jack had chemistry so strong it scared her. Stephanie knew it was only a matter of time before things escalated.

Jack Kaufman was like no man she had known. He wasn’t exactly the three ws she was looking for, witty, warm, and wonderful. He was more, wild, wicked, and wanton. She had even gotten used to his cynicism and warped sense of humor. He believed in living life to the fullest and damned the consequences. He liked living dangerously and he played by his own rules. It infuriated her that he was always so cool and so in control of his emotions. The kiss they shared months ago had completely shaken her, while he appeared to be unmoved by it. Nothing she had done thus far had rattled him. He had even smiled when she threw water in his face.

Jack felt Stephanie watching him and wondered what she was thinking. He knew he had her where he wanted her. He was determined to make the most of their trip. Stephanie held the key to all his dreams coming true. In the process, he would do whatever was necessary to make her happy and ensure a future with her and his daughter. Everything he was doing was for Christina’s sake.

Take Me Down

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