Читать книгу America's Best Colleges for B Students - Tamra B. Orr - Страница 22

(1) Improve your grades ASAP.


Don’t try to get out of improving your grades just because the school year is already partially over. Unless it’s less then two weeks until summer vacation, there is still time to make a difference in that GPA. Here are some great ideas to try—TODAY, not tomorrow or next week. Don’t be a Scarlett.

First of all, don’t generalize your grades or the challenges of certain subject areas. If you’re like most students (or human beings for that matter), you’re stronger in some subjects than others. Think about which subjects give you the most trouble. Pinpoint the class or classes. Now narrow it down further. WHAT in that class is tough for you? In English, is it the reading or the writing? Is it the grammar or the composition? If it’s science, is the difficulty in the lab or in reading the text? What formula or concept in math is bogging you down? If you can be specific about the problem, it is easier to find steps that will help you change things.

Once you know what issues are giving you the most trouble, do something about it. Here are just a few suggestions:

 Ask your teacher for help before or after class.

 Find a student who can help explain certain concepts.

 Join or create a study group.

 Get a tutor.

 Ask your parents for help.

What else can you do? If you are not already doing so, TAKE NOTES. By taking down what the teacher is saying and putting it in your own words, you are focusing and repeating key information. These notes should be as organized and neat as possible and then they should be read over at least once a day to make sure the material is sinking in. Studies have proven that you can learn far more reading short amounts of material each day rather than cramming lots of details in a few hours.

Go over your past tests, quizzes, worksheets and homework assignments. If you did something wrong on them, make sure you understand what it was. If you don’t, then ask. There is nothing wrong with making mistakes if you turn around and use the experience for learning and understanding more.

Lastly, check to see if there is a way to earn some extra credit in the class where you are struggling. If there is, do it. It will help your overall grade and make a better impression on your teacher.

America's Best Colleges for B Students

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